oli kord üks perekond , kes oli väga vaene.
there was a very poor family.
ei olnud neil süüa, ega ka raha, et riideid osta, ja nende sugulased põlgasid neid, eriti vanaisad.
they did not have food or money to buy clothes, their relatives despised them, esecially grandfathers.
kord sattus sellesse külla , kus nad elasid, üks puusepp, ja kinkis sellele perele imelise tünni.
once a carpenter came into the village they lived in, and felt sorry; so he gave them a wonderful barrel.
Ükskõik, mida sinna sisse pandi, välja võeti kaks korda rohkem.
whatever you put into the barrel, you took out twice as much.
panid siis kõigepealt tünni jahu.
so they first put flour into it.
nüüd oli perel hea põli - süüa küll, suhted paranesid, rõõmus meel. ent riided ikka katki, sest leivavilja ju saabaste vastu ei vaheta.
so now they had a good life - enough to eat, relationships improved. but theirclothes were still shabby for you don´t exchange flour to boots and trousers.
pani tünni peotäie villa. võtsid välja, panid tagasi, võtsid välja, panid tagasi... kuni kanga jagu käes.
so they put a handful of wool into the barrel. put in, took out, put in, took out... until they had enough for a fabric.
siis hakkasid kangast värvima ja müüma ka, said väga rikkaks. nii rikkaks et ehitasid suurema maja, terve suguvõsa kolis nende juurde elama. vanaisad ka.
then they started to dye and sell fabric, got very rich. so rich that they built a bigger house. the whole family moved in with them, including grandfathers.
nad olid nüüd nii rikkad et ei tarvitanud tünni enam rikkuse suurendamiseks. pani sinna mett - väga hea võtta, kui kunagi otsa ei saa; ei pea mesilasi pidama ega kartma nõelata saamist.
they were so rich they did not exactly need the barrel to enlarge their wealth; they put honey in it. very handy: it will last forever, so you don´t have to keep bees and be afraid of stinging.
aga vanaisa oli neil maiasmokk.
but a grandfather was a sweettooth.
läks aga aita, hakkas mee kallal maiustama.
went to the barn, to the barrel, started "tasting " the honey.
kahjuks aga kukkus tünni sisse.
unfortunately the grandfather fell into the barrel.
pere läks appi ja tõmbas ta välja, aga kui nad uuesti tünni vaatasid oli seal veel üks vanaisa.
the family went for rescue and pulled him out, but when they looked into the barrel again, there was one more grandfather.
tõmbasid sellegi välja - ikka oli seal veel üks vanaisa. niiviisi tõmbasid nad tünnist 25 vanaisa välja, kooserdasid mööda õue ja jäid kõigile jalgu.
they pulled this one out too - and still there was a grandfather in the barrel. thus they pulled out 25 grandfathers... who sneaked around the yard and were real troublemakers.
perekond hirmul et mis nüüd teha? neil pole ju 25 vooditki et neid magama panna. ja voodit juba tünni ei topi.
the family was startled: what to do? where, for instance, put the 25 grandfathers to sleep? they did not have 25 extra beds, and you can´t so easily stuff a bed in the barrel...
aga läks mööda toosama puusepp. see teadis kohe lahendust: tegi uue tünni.
but, the luck: the same carpenter went by, and he made another barrel.
too oli siuke, et mida sa sinna sisse paned , kaks korda vähem võtad välja.
this was such a barrel that whatever you put into it, you take out twice less.
panid kaks vanaisa sisse, võtsid ühe välja, jälle kaks korraga sisse, üks välja, kaks sisse , üks välja. kuni jäi ainult üks vanaisa.
they put two grandfathers in, took one out, put two in, took one out... until there was just the original one.
vat kus oli puusepp, kes oskas siukseid tünne teha.
what a carpenter, who knew to make such barrels.


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