Mis imelik Ilm!

what a weird weather!

kaks mintsa tagasi sadas oavarrest, külm, tuul ulus. läksin kööki teed tegema, hambad plagisesid. nüüd päike jõllitab aknast sisse nagu poleks midagi olnud eks ole.
two minutes ago it was pouring rain, cold, wuthering wind. I went to the kitchen to make some tea, teeth shaking. now the Sun stares at me like there never was any rain.

Tegelikult ma ei tahtnud rääkida ilmast vaid hoopis Ilmasilmajast.
Truthfully I didn´t want to chit - chat about the weather, but instead about Ilmasilmaja. it can hardly be translated... hmm... Eye - Around - The - World? No....
Ilm tähendab eesti keeles ju nii maailma kui elu ümberringi kui õhku ja taevast kui ka ilma kui nähtust... ja veel üht - teist. Ilmaelu on imelik.
"Ilm" in estonian is not just The World ( maailm , maa=Earth & ilm=air) but also life around us, air and sky, and the weather... and all sorts of things. Way of the world is strange.
Ilm on maailm ja silm ... silm on see millest terve maailm peegeldub. Ilm on silmas
"Ilm" is the world in all it´s glory and the eye is what reflects the world. world is in the eye ( Ilm - silm.)
Ilmasilmamine tuli mul meelde seoses lugupidamisega. Lugude pidamisega, ja asjade lugude meelespidamisega.
Eye -On -The- World came to mind in connection with respect. " Lugupidamine" - in estonian "lugu" is story and " Pidama" is " to keep". Keeping the stories. Keeping in mind and remembering the stories of things.
Kui asjast lugu ei peeta, siis kaob ta lugu ära.
If you don´t respect something, it´s story will get lost.
Öeldakse ka, kui miski pole tähtis, et " sest pole lugu."
People say, when something is unimportant " there´s nothing to it, " or there is no story to it.
Mikk Sarv, tegelik Ilmasilmaja, kes vastavat mõlgutust kirjutab Ilm.ee´s, kellest mina väga lugu pean ( tegelikult see ongi osalt tema lugu mis ma siin edasi annan), räägib, et lugude meeles pidamisega me tähistame - sündmusi, iseendid, asju. Mida tähistatakse, see on tähtis.
Mikk Sarv, the real Eye - On - The - World, who writes a column Ilmasilmaja in www.ilm.ee and whome I respect ( the story I am telling you is partly his ) says that keeping the stories we celebrate the World, ourselves and things. "tähistama" in estonian is " to celebrate, to mark", and what is celebrated, is important - we say " tähtis" .
Mul on kodus asju, mille lugu enne minu juurde jõudmist ma ei tea, võin ainult aimata. aga ma pean neist sellegipoolest lugu. Mis lugu siis? Ma ei oska öelda... see et nad olid ja ma neid silmasin. Silmata, mis ilmas imelist, sellest algabki lugupidamine.
At home I have things which stories are hidden from me. I still respect them. What kind of story have they got that I must keep? Can´t say... that they were and I layd my eye on them. To have and eye on everything, that is special in the world, there comes the respect.
Pagan see on midagi mida lihtsalt ei ole võimalik muul moel kui eesti keeles selgitada. kuskil ei ole need väljendid nii tabavad.
This is something that is very hard to explain in any other language than estonian.

las see ilm siis olla imelik.
so let the weather be weird.

P.S. sajab taas, panid tähele?
P.S. now it´s raining again, did you notice?


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