Lumivalgekese Sõjakäik. War of Snow White. Näituse muljed. Expressions of an exhibition.

Exhibition “War of Snow White” in Tallinn, Estonia ( Kullo Youth Gallery, Kuninga 6) 03.01.2006 - 15.01.2006

Näitus "Lumivalgekese sõjakäik" Kullo Galeriis, Kuninga 6, Tallinn.

This is a review of an exhibition that has references to Tim Burton´s Edward Scissorhands.
See on ülevaade näitusest, milles leidus tsitaate Tim Burtoni Edward Käärkäest.
I did not go to the exhibition without any previous knowledge, but there wasn´t much that I knew. I only saw and article in a newspaper (Postimees, 10.01.2006).
Minu eelinfo sest näitusest oli pärit 11. jaanuari Postimehe artiklist.
But that article drew mu attention with a re – imagined photograph based on Edward Scissorhands. I probably wouldn´t have known anything without that.
Kuid ilma selle artiklita poleks tõenäoliselt läinud vaatama ka, sest minu tähelepanu tõmbas just Edward Käärkäe stseenil põhinev foto.

So, the whole conception of it was to exhibit moments from fairy tales and historic events that contained romance, violence, some art form and a lot of sub – meanings and symbols.
Näituse põhipoint seisnes muinasjuttudest ja ajaloost pärit romantiliste, kunsti, aga ka vägivallaga seotud hetkede taaslavastamises koos rohkete sümbolite ja kihistustega.
The subjects were (From cellar to roof, it is a multilevelled house): Dead Man, The Death of Marat, Three bears, Snow White and 8 (!) dwarfs, Edward Scissorhands.
Teemad maast laeni olid Surnud mees (Jarmushi film, teate küll ju), Tapetud marat (J.L.David´i maali põhjal), Kolm karu, Lumivalgeke, 8 pöialpoissi.

I started mu tour from the hall, which was the Marat – room. And there was Marat in the bathtub….murdered….. Wait, he…walked away.
Alustasin ringkäiku fuajeest, kus oli marat - vannis, kutu. Oot - oot ....nüüd ta tegi pausi ja läks kohvile.
There was the reproduction of the orginal painting by Jaqcues Louis David and a photograph based on the painting.
seinal oli originaalmaali repro ja mõned selle põhjal lavastatud fotod.
I have difficulties with the Marat theme, I always rememer a very frightening play I once saw; in that play there was a song with words that haunt me still, whenever I see “Death of Marat” in any form. I left that room quickly.
Marat teema tuletab mulle üht teatrietendust meelde, kus oli võigas laul mille sõnad mul alati kummitama hakkavad, kui seda pilti näen.

Next room was behind it, on first floor. It was “The Three Bears.”
Tagapool oli Kolm karu.
It sort of continued the Marat – theme, having also bathtubs ( illustrating three beds of the bears) and it was all in black, white & red .
Visuaalselt jätkas see Marat - teemat, sest karude voodite asemel oli kolm vanni ning toonid olid punane, valge ja must.
There was a table that reminded more of a maffia poker table than the rustic eating table from the original russian tale.
Laud meenutas rohkem maffia koosolekulauda kui talupojalauda algsest Kolme karu loost.
It didn´t say much to me. The explanation on the wall said, that the three bears fairy tale is about being in a strange place, about common fears (maybe being eaten!) and of breaking barriers. I didn´t see the idea.
see väljapanek ütles mulle vähe (ehk ka seetõttu et eelkõige olin tulnud isiklike ootuste täitumise ajel, endale tuntud ja oluliste sümbolite pärast). Seinal olev selgitus rääkis kartusest võõra (koha) ees ja tavahirmudest.

Next room I went to was on second floor, and there was a video screen. There were different clips, all had to do with one of the subjects of this exhibition.
Siis läksin teisele korrale, kus oli ekraan ja jooksid klipid erinevatel teemadel.
I skip the first which I thought pretty random, and say a few things about the homage to edward scissorhands.
Ma jätan vahele esimese klipi mis oli üsna suvaline, ja räägin pisut teisest, mis oligi vihje Edward Käärkäele.
The guy who dressed up as Edward, well they had done a pretty good job on him. The hair was great, the make up looked quite real and the guy himself was sort of same type as Johnny.
See poiss, kes Edwardiks riietati, nägi suht autentne välja, juuksed olid hästi seatud, meik oli ehe, ja ta oli ka selline kõrendlik ja tõsine nii nagu Johnny kui ta Edward Scissorhands´i mängis...
But the costume had some makeovers in sadomaso style on the collar and cuffs.
Mulle tundus et kostüümis oli mingeid sadomasoelemente, see võis ka tuleneda lihtsalt parajasti kättesaadavatest materjalidest - edwardi kostüümi ei ole kerge järgi teha.
He walked around town, in rainy weather, he even cut down a bush and puntured a tire! He looked so stranded, alone and deserted.
Poiss kõndis magalarajoonis, vist Sõpruse puiestee ääres, lõikas isegi põõsa maha ja tegi augu autokummi nagu filmi - Edward. Ta nägi välja ikka väga trööstitu.
The explanation said pretty much all the right things: misunderstood violence, unpredictable results of creativity, the beauty of an artistic spirit.
Selgitus sai igatahes Timi ideele pihta: valestimõistetus, tahtmatu vägivald, kellegi loodu etteaimamatu saatus, kunstnikuhinge ilu ja koledus.
I am more than surprised to find Edward Scissorhands stands out so high in the eyes of Estonian young artists.
Ma olen suht üllatunud et Eestis keegi Edward Scissorhandsi nii kõrgelt hindab, et teha sellest terve näituse üks kesksemaid elemente.
And then the photograph of “Edward and Kim” – re – imagined based on the “Hold me – I can´t “ scene, I really loved that photo. It was a centerpiece of the exhibition. It was next to the staircase, and I think it was the right spot, because it reminded me of Edward´s castle.
Ja "Hoia mind - ma ei saa" - stseenil põhinev foto " Edward ja Kim" mulle tõesti meeldis, selles oli tunne sees. Lisaks oli ta pandud trepi kõrvale, nii et tuli meelde edwardi loss ja selle kõrged üksildased trepid.

The next subject was Snow White . they had done it in sort of gothic style. The Prince and Snow White were placed in an environment of a ghetto, among drying laundry and broken cars and trash containers.
Järgmine teema eksponeeris gootilikku või heavy - metal Lumivalgekest ja Printsi samuti paneelelamute, pesunööride ja prügikonteinerite vahel.
And there were 8 “dwarfs” dispatching a balcony, being described as teenagers living out their unapplied sexual energy. Haa.
Ning oli ka 8 (!) pöialpoissi lammutamas rõdu, autorite sõnade kohaselt välja elamas oma "rakendamata seksuaalenergiat."

The last room where I went was the cellar, and it managed to surprise me. Because I had not expected another quote of a Johnny Depp movie. I think they really must love him a lot.
Keldri väljapanekul õnnestus mind põhjalikult rabada, kuna ma ei oodanud veel üht Johnny Depp´i osalusega filmi tsitaati. nad on vist temasse kõvasti armunud.
It was Dead Man. It is good I went there last, because the general idea of the exhibition got an underline.
See oli Surnud mees. On päris hea, et too teema mulle viimasena silma ette jäi, kuna see tõmbas muidu raskestitabatavale näituse peateemale joone alla.
In Dead Man William Blake is stating violence as an art form, and death as an inevitable outcome of any creation and it´s creator.
Surnud mehest saab William Blake´i käes vägivallast kunstivorm, surmast aga iga teelolija, looja ja tema loomingu vältimatu lõppresultaat.
The room had a photograph with one of the authors, the young artists dressed as William Blake, pointing a gun at the viewer, and another one from the scene with the boat.
tsiteeritud oli kaadrit William Blake´ist hoidmas vaatajale suunatud revolvrit ning teine stseenist paadiga. Lõpust.
There were dear horns on the wall and the floor was covered with blue balloons. A stereo was playing, with only the sounds of exploding balloons on it. I swear it worked on me.
Põrand, mis kaetud õhupallidega ning makilt tulev heli plahvatavatest õhupallidest igatahes minu peale küll töötas.
The exploding balloons sounded like gunshots. And when I turned around I saw the dead marat standing behind me. Then I really felt like being in a parallel reality.
Helid kõlasid püstolilaskudena, ning kui hakkasin tagasi üles minema ja ümber pöördusin, seisis minu selja taga tapetud Marat. Siis tundus kõik tõesti pisut paralleelse reaalsusena.

It wasn´t as good as it might have been, but good enough. The air of twisted, artistic violence and creepy romance was present, and it did kind of seem burtonish.
See polnud nii hea näitus nagu alusmaterjal tegelikult oleks võimaldanud, aga veidra, ilustatud vägivalla ja vildaka romantika õhustikku oli tunda küll. Võiks öelda, Burtonlik.
There was also a group of children with a tutor there, who was desparatley trying to make them understand all the diffiycult hidden ideas of the artists.
Näitusel oli ka üks laste ekskursioon, keda galerii töötaja naiivselt püüdis panna kõigist kerrulistest sümbolitest aru saama, ent mulle tundub et seekord oli sihtrühmaks vale põlvkond.
Of course the only thing the children could say was that they thought all these characters were crazy.
Videote peale ütlesid lapsed vaid, et ju need tegelased on hullud.
Has the time passed for edwards and kims? And romantic old inventors and timburtons?
Kas edwardite ja kimide aeg on läbi?

When I had left and was heading towards the bus stop, I thought I had gone mad or the fairy tale environment had affected me: I heard a nightingale. A real nightingale in January. I also saw a one- legged man and a woman in reindeer costume. Now, that was really weird.
Bussipeatusesse suundudes arvasin juba et see muinasjutukeskkond on mind hulluks ajanud: ma kuulsin ööbikut. Päris ehtsat, jaanuarikuus. Ja veel nägin ühe jalaga meest ning põhjapõdrakostüümis vanamutti.

Review written by Tuuli, all rights protected.
Tuuli kirjutas selle muljenduse, kõik õigused on minu omad.


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