when you´re good to Momma, Momma is good to you

Ehk siis - Mamma õmbleb uue seeliku ( vanadest kaltsudest).
Momma made me a skirt. Peaks vist selgitama.
I guess some explanation could be used. Vijandi naabrinna töötas kunagi kardinapoes ja suvel andis ta mulle kottide viisi taft - ja siidriide tükke. see on nüüd siis alles TEINE kord kui neist tükkidest miskit tehtud on.Dear mrs. Neighbour from Viljandi worked in a curtain shop once and this summer she gave us a hell of a lot of cloth pieces. this skirt is the second attempt to make something of all those rags.
Ma hakkan pooseks kätte minema. varasemal ajal tekkis mul iseendast heal juhul 2 pilti aastas.
I am becoming a photo -whore. I used to hate letting myself being photographed.
Kui leian hea koha, kus on trepid, siis ehk tuleb vilditud pikkadest kleitidest ka paremaid pilte, mõne teise modelliga ;-)
If I happen to find a nice place that has stairs, I shall try and take better pics of the felted dresses using a different model.


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