
Great news.
Minu tänav (Lõime, Põhja - Tallinn) saab miljööväärtuslikuks alaks.
My street, Lõime, north Tallinn, is going to be ...uh, how do I explain it, well, it is going to be protected as a valuable living environment.
Tähendab - rohelus ja meie ilus tammebulvar säilib, maju ei saa vägisi kõrgemaks teha, hoove ei saa täis ehitada, samal ajal on rohkem võimalusi leida toetust nt. majaesise korrastamiseks ja fassaadi remondiks. keegi ei saa värvida oma maja nt triibuliseks.. kujuyta ette suurt kortermaja sebranahavärvides....
It means the greenery (there are sort of like miniature parks in front of every house here) and the oak alley will be preserved, the houses cant be built higher ( there is the thought even in my house, that we could get money for repainting etc by letting some real estate guy build another floor in place of the attick floor, well, they are not allowed to now). Also, no houses can be built in the yard and no one on this street can decide, oh I am gonna paint my house in colours of a zebra or something. imagine a big apartement house in zebra stripes. unthinkable.
Mulle see väga meeldib.
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