Ratsuritäht paneb dopingut. Houseplant on steroids.
Kas taimede kulturismivõistlusi ka peetakse?
Is there a body-building Championship for plants?
Ma vaatan ka, et enamik taimi mul kodus on mürgised.
I realized most of the houseplants at my apartement are poisonous.
Kas see mõjub ka läbi õhu huvitav?
Dooes it have any impact through the air also?
Ma istun mürgipilves.
Sitting in a cloud of poisonous air.
Is there a body-building Championship for plants?
Ma vaatan ka, et enamik taimi mul kodus on mürgised.
I realized most of the houseplants at my apartement are poisonous.
Kas see mõjub ka läbi õhu huvitav?
Dooes it have any impact through the air also?
Ma istun mürgipilves.
Sitting in a cloud of poisonous air.