Natuke järgi mõeldes: õudne mis neist lastest saab

after I have taken a short breath, I am thinking about what will become of these children who rampaged during night.
Nad on sooritanud iga mõeldava kuriteo: vara hävitamine, vargus, süütamine, kallaletung politseile, riigilipu põletamine....Ikka unustavad nad, et ka nemad elavad siin ning seega ründavad nad kõike seda, mis ka nende heaks töötab. Oleks nad veel kodanikud, oleks see riigireetmine.
They have committed every thinkable fellony: destroying property, theft, arson, assault to police, burining state flag....They still forget that they live here also and everything they have attacked have till now also worked for their benefit. If they were citizens it would be high treason
Ja mida nad üldse omast arust ründasid? Suur osa neid poode ja ettevõtteid ei kuulu isegi eestlastele!
And what on earth did they think they were attacking? Most of the enterprises and shops they destroyed do not even belong to estonians.
Nüüd saavad nad endale kaela süüdistused ka Soomest, Saksast, Inglismaalt...?
They can expect punishment also from the Fins, the Germans and the Brits....?
Kas nad mõtlevad sellele, et nende vanemad ikkagi vastutavad. Häh, mis ma üldse küsin. Vanemad võibolla tellisid mõned dressid ja natuke lauanõusid.
Do they remember they are minors and their parents have to held responsible? Why do I even ask. Considering the domestic upbringing of these russian teens, their parents probably ordered them to bring home sweatsuits and dinnerware.
Kes need kahjud kõik kinni maksab? Venelased enamasti ju miinimumpalkadel. Vaevalt need noored ise tööle läheks. vaevalt nad iial siin maal enam tööd saaks. Eile öösel said neist psühhopaadid.
Who will pay for all the damage? The russians usually work on minimum wage. I doubt these teens would want to work, I doubt they would ever again get work in this town. They showed they are psychopaths last night.
Ja siis veel, kui nad trahvid on ära maksnud ja tingimisi saanud, läbivad ilmselt ca 6 kuud psühholoogilist nõustamist ( kuigi mina paneks nad kohe hullumajja). ja mis see kõik Eesti riigile maksma läheks? Pigem võiks nüüd Venemaa selle eest maksta, kuna nemad selle märatsemise tellisid.
And then, if they somehow manage to pay the fines and get - 6 months conditional. The probably need 6 months psychological counseling (although I would put them straight into the madhouse). And what will it all cost to Estonia? I think Russia could pay for this, cause they were the ones who ordered the riots.
Ja veel: kas see oli mingiligi määrav üllatav? Tegelikult arvestades kellega tegemist mitte põrmugi. Õigemini, märatsemise ulatus ja jõhkrus ei pannud eriti imestama. Mõtlesin ainult: vanaema jutud, kuidas Kopli kalmistul haudadesse kusti vastavad tõele.
More: was it at all surprising? Answer: considering who we are dealing with, not the least bit. Or should I say: the cruelty and range of violence did not come shocking to me. I just thought: Grannys stories how the predecessors of these people peed in graves on Kopli cemetary are all true.


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