Jah, Maret Maripuu raamat oli väga armas aga....

...aga küll see oli ikka tobe olukord, et märsikonkursi laureaadil ei olnud KOTTI kaasas kuhu see raamat panna, ja nii ma siis tuiasingi mööda linna nagu telliskivi kaenlas. Isegi linnahalli katusel sai käidud. Ja kuna mul oli veel ridikül ja päris suur ja raske fotoaparaat ja lilled ja...siis võite isegi arvata, kui mõnus see oli.
The book I got from a local politician, who is involved with the Muhu region (which inspired my bag), it was lovely. But the situation turned ridiculous becasue me, the winner of a BAG contest did not have a BAG to put my stuff in. So I drooped along the town with this...brick under my arm. And since I also had a small bag for just my purse and cell phone, and also a big and heavy camera and then a bouquet of flowers, you can probably imagine how uncomfortable that was.
Kuna mul olid käed asju täis, õnnestus mul ka saboteerida üht vene näitsikut, kes üritas mulle mingit infobukletti ulatada. Kogu tema varandus pudenes Raeplatsi munakividele laiali ja mina oma koormaga seisin külma näoga kõrval kuni ta nad kokku korjas. Ta vist pidas mind eriliseks ülbikuks.
Because my hands were full of stuff, I managed to sabotage a girl on her summer job who tried to hand me some sort of booklet. I couldnt quite grab it, and I did not particularly want it either, so all her stuff fell all over the place, and there was I, watching with a very cold impression on my face, how she struggled to collect her booklets, not helping her at all. She must of thought me terribly rude.
Ja siis veel need maikellukesed....Käsitöö maja ees oodates läks mitu turismigruppi mööda ja iga jummala kui üks svensk peatus ja torkas oma paksu nina minu lilledesse! No mida veel? Ei ega ma kade pole. Aga asi läks pisut piinlikuks.
And those lilies-of-the-valley. In front of Estonian Crafts House several tourist groups passed by and every single one of them buggers stuck their fat nose into my flowers! Like what the hell? No, I am not greedy, but it turned a bit embarrassing.
tegelikult, suuremat kotti ei võtnud ma sellepärast, et ma tulin kodust kesklinna veel suuremate kodinatega. Mul oli näitusetöö kaasas. Ja siis jäin ma Kunstihoone ukse taha. Mingi töömees oli seal sees, mina koputan. Tema tuleb ukse juurde, vahib, vaikib. Mina näitan, et tee, kuramus, uks lahti. tema ütleb läbi ukse: "Ahh....kas te tahate sisse saada vää...?" Nagu dah! Siis seisab ja jõllitab veel tükk aega. Ust ta, sunnik, lahti ei tee, eks ole. Ja siis läheb minema! No on ikka tümakas. Siis tuli mingi tädi ja žestikuleeris ja tegi ahvitantsu, kuni ma sain aru, et pean minema teisest uksest.
Actually when I came to town center I had even more stuff, thats why I didnt take a larger bag either. I had the artwork I had to take to the exhibition. And then I was locked outside the gallery door. there were some workmen taking down the previous exhibition. I knock. he stares. I knock and try to make him understand I want to get in. He stares, not saying a word. Then says: "Uhh....you...want to get....in or...something...uhh?" Then stares , does not open the door, finally leaves. What a punk! Then some woman came and performed a monkey dance behind the door, until I realized that means I have to use the other door.
Niimoodi siis läks tegelikult see eilne päev.
That was my day.


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