Kus toodetakse kärbsepiitsu? Kas Vietnamis?
Ma pole kindel, igatahes on mul kodus samasugune nagu Duke´il Hirmus ja Jälestuses. No kurat, ma keeldun kasutamast seda idiootset tõlget "Ratastel Las Vegasesse". Mis ratastel, jalgratastel või? Tõukeratastel? Ratastoolidega? On meil tegu pensionäride pühapäevamatkaga ? Selline tõlge kaotab ära kogu värvi Thompsoni ja Acosta kogetud seisundist. Hirm ja põlgus ei kõla ka õigesti. Tülgastus on jälle rohkem midagi igavuse ja oksendamise vahepealset.
Where are flyswats made? In ´Nam? I am not sure, but I do have an exactly similar one at home as the one Duke uses for bats and Gonzo in Fear and Loathing. In estonian the title of the film has such a ridiculous translation, something like "On wheels to Las Vegas". It could also be read as "On bikes /bicycles to Las Vegas". Do they think it is a mother-effin senior citizens day off in a park? That kind of translation takes all the taste away from the expressive and awful state Thompson expressed in those words.
Ohh, aga jah, see kärbsepiits on tore, kindlasti kõige odavam prop tolles filmis, saavutades samas maksimaalselt koomilist ja ilmekat efekti. Eriti kui selle vastas on revolver... Ma otsisin just enda oma, mitte koomilist efekti, ega mitte ka revolvrit, vaid kärbsepiitsa; sest "Superstaari" - saatejuhid on ikka vahel nii ...vot nüüd sobib "tülgastus" väga hästi.
Oh, yes, but this flyswat is great, definately one of the cheapest props ever used to such comic and expressive effect. Especially if there is a revolver pointed at you as a counteraction... I was looking for mine, not the comic effect, but a flyswat; I wanted to spank the hosts of Estonian Superstar show who can sometimes be so .... repulsing.
Ausõna, see film läheb iga vaatamisega naljakamaks. Ma küsisin ema käest, et kas tema vanaema käitumine kuuekümnendatel pärast sauna laupäeviti eetrit lonksates sarnanes pisut ka sellele kohale filmis, kus Duke ja Gonzo abitult pöördväravate poole tuiavad. Ema ainult vaatas seda stseeni filmis ja naeris, ta ei pannud üldse tähele, et ma midagi küsisin. Nojah, ühe küsimise peale ta kunagi vastas, et vanavanaema jäi eetri mõju all lihtsalt kiiktooli magama, keel suust välja rippumas ja koivad ebaviisakalt rebakil.
But Fear and Loathing gets funnier with every viewing. I asked my mom does she remember if her own grandmama´s behaviour when sipping ether after sauna nights in the 1960ies resembled in any way Gonzo´s and Duke´s staggering towards the turnstiles, but mom was busy laughing at that scene in the film. She never noticed I asked anything. Well, she did say once before that great-grandmother just fell asleep under the influence of ether with her tongue sticking out and her feet spread in the most indecent manner.
Where are flyswats made? In ´Nam? I am not sure, but I do have an exactly similar one at home as the one Duke uses for bats and Gonzo in Fear and Loathing. In estonian the title of the film has such a ridiculous translation, something like "On wheels to Las Vegas". It could also be read as "On bikes /bicycles to Las Vegas". Do they think it is a mother-effin senior citizens day off in a park? That kind of translation takes all the taste away from the expressive and awful state Thompson expressed in those words.
Ohh, aga jah, see kärbsepiits on tore, kindlasti kõige odavam prop tolles filmis, saavutades samas maksimaalselt koomilist ja ilmekat efekti. Eriti kui selle vastas on revolver... Ma otsisin just enda oma, mitte koomilist efekti, ega mitte ka revolvrit, vaid kärbsepiitsa; sest "Superstaari" - saatejuhid on ikka vahel nii ...vot nüüd sobib "tülgastus" väga hästi.
Oh, yes, but this flyswat is great, definately one of the cheapest props ever used to such comic and expressive effect. Especially if there is a revolver pointed at you as a counteraction... I was looking for mine, not the comic effect, but a flyswat; I wanted to spank the hosts of Estonian Superstar show who can sometimes be so .... repulsing.
Ausõna, see film läheb iga vaatamisega naljakamaks. Ma küsisin ema käest, et kas tema vanaema käitumine kuuekümnendatel pärast sauna laupäeviti eetrit lonksates sarnanes pisut ka sellele kohale filmis, kus Duke ja Gonzo abitult pöördväravate poole tuiavad. Ema ainult vaatas seda stseeni filmis ja naeris, ta ei pannud üldse tähele, et ma midagi küsisin. Nojah, ühe küsimise peale ta kunagi vastas, et vanavanaema jäi eetri mõju all lihtsalt kiiktooli magama, keel suust välja rippumas ja koivad ebaviisakalt rebakil.
But Fear and Loathing gets funnier with every viewing. I asked my mom does she remember if her own grandmama´s behaviour when sipping ether after sauna nights in the 1960ies resembled in any way Gonzo´s and Duke´s staggering towards the turnstiles, but mom was busy laughing at that scene in the film. She never noticed I asked anything. Well, she did say once before that great-grandmother just fell asleep under the influence of ether with her tongue sticking out and her feet spread in the most indecent manner.