Meez (photobucketis)

Neid saab teha ka animeerimata, ärge pöörake täelepanu sellele, et see Mee toda kassi niimoodi mudib, mina ise nii küll ei tee!
Photobucketis tuleb valida create avatar, aga seal peab eraldi ka registreerima.
Eri värvi juukseid saab niimoodi, et klikkad väikesele "+"- märgile iga pildi all. Gonzo T-Särki ei olegi! Nii kahju.
You can make un-animated ones, do not pay attention to the fact this Mee is rubbing that cat, cause I do not do such things for sure!
You have to choose "create avatar" in your Photobucket, but you need to register separately to save the Meez.
Different colous of hair can be achieved by clicking on the little plus- sign under the hairtyle pictures.
They did not have Gonzo T shirts. Shame.


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