Muhu Mann II valmis.

Õigemini küll Mannike, sest ta on veidike väiksem ja natuke teistmoodi. Mis on Mann inglise keeles? Mary? Minnie? Martha? Maddie? Mandy? Molly? Margo?
My other Muhu bag is ready. She is not Mary, she just a little....whatever.

Tahaks seda õues pildistada aga....sajab ladinal. Oleks ehk pidanud eile rand a kaasa võtma, aga meil oli kass, ja inimesed hiilisid põõsaste taga ja tegid temast hoopis "salaja" pilte. Eriti koom. Kaugelt ei saagi aru kas see on kass või ilves.
I wanted to take pictures outside, but it pours rain. I should have taken it with me yesterday, but we already had the cat with us; and it was him people "secretly" took pictures of, sneaking behind the bushes. EVERYONE was talking about my cat. From afar it is a lot like some wild cat from african jungles, LOL.


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