lige ja tige. I am wet. I am angry. I am cold. I am tired.

Juudas, milline ilm. Ma pean õppima vihmavarje taluma. Aga see on raske, sest ma tunnen tõesti end pea kohal kõikuvast erakatusest ahistatuna.
Extremely shitty weather. I need to learn to tolerate umbrellas. It is SO difficult, because I feel harassed by anything that tangles along with me above my head.
Sain galeriisse asjad viidud ja veel teada, et Lühike Jalg rasvase hinna tõttu siiski disainikaardil pole. Aga inimesed ju ikka küsivad kindlasti, et kus veel midagi näha saab, ja sealt käib praegu tõega palju inimesi mööda/läbi.
I took a whole bag of stuff into the Lühike Jalg Gallery, and found out they are no on the design map. But that´s allright, because people will surely be asking where else they can see some art and design, and the street is rather busy right now as it is.
Ja ma pean veel meeste kindaid tegema.... väljamaalastel on paksud käed.
I still need to make men´s mittens. Foreigners have fat hands.
ahjaa see torujuhe... nagu ma kusagile juba spämmisin ei ole tõesti tarvis Läänemeres sonkida, et räimed veel rohkem helendama hakkaks. Mu kass paistab juba läbi, kui ta on kala söönud, ma arvan, et varsti ma saan nagu rõntgenis vaadata, kus täpselt ta karvapallid kinni on jäänud. Igale siilile on selge, et gaasijuhtme eesmärk on Eesti ümber piirata. See on nii pompöösselt kallis projekt et sellist gaasi ei jõua Angela merkel isiklikultki osta ilma et peaks eliitprostituudiks hakkama kusagil araabia ropprikaste šeikide juures.
The gas pipe that Russia and Germany want to build.... I am glad our government said a strict no. There is no need to dig up the bottom of the already over-polluted Baltic Sea. I can use the fish from our sea as an X-ray equipment to see how many fur balls my cat has in his stomach. Everyone can see, that the only purpose to build such a pipe is to surround Estonia with a "Russian influence zone". The project itself looks to be so ridiculously expensive that poor Angela will have to become a prostitute if she wants to buy the gas, not to mention the regular germans.


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