ugh...those apples! help....

ma olen niiaige praegult et lihtsaltmaivõi kohe. allakukkuva kuumaõhupalli tunne on. Punslieli paluks....
I am so sick I just dunno. I feel like a faLLing hot air baboon..balloon in Nevada. sorry if my text seems dizzy.
tahtsin rääkida oma päevast Viljandi puuetega inimeste päevakeskuse inimestele viltimist õpetades aga katsu sa selliste krampidega.
I wanted to tell you about my day with the ....I mean, teaching how to make a felted ball, to people who are not supposed to be quite like you and me, mentally.
Need tüübid igatahes olid poole toredamad kui mingid laisad probleemteismelised, kes oma suva järgi lihtsalt su tunnist minema kõnnivad ja keda tahaks märja seebise svammiga visata aga ei tohi. Täna inimesed kuulasid, ja nautisid ja üllatusid siiralt mis neil välja tuli. Ja minu meelest täiesti normaalsed...aru saavad nagu kõik, aga aju ja käe vaheline side kaob ajuti kosmosesse.
To me they seemed rather nice and normal. Tell me what IS normal. I much prefer people like the ones today to angry lazy problematic teens who just walk out on you. I would have liked to throw those with something. But today was different, people listen and enjoy what they are doing.
The thing is, these people to me did not seem mentally ill, it is just the connection between the hand /body and the brain is sort of....server problems, you know.


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