About David.

Istud nailonjopes kütmata toas, paksud tekid seinte ja akende peal. On aasta 1983 ja sina krutid oma vana Rigat. Suuremalt jaolt saad saginat, raginat, piuksatusi, kraaksatusi ja ohkeid. Sekka saad natuke armeenia raadiot, ja kohati on kosta kauaoodatud Raadio Vaba Euroopat. Või Ameerika Häält.
I am sitting in a nailon jacket in my cold room, thick blankets covering my walls to suffocate sound, and searching for a frequency on my old radio. Mostly I get noise, screeching sounds, whispers, sighs and blurts, in addition I get a bit of unknown language and Allah, and sometimes I get what I WANT to hear - radio Free Europe or Voice of America, Washington. It is 1983....
Just selline oli ka David Lynchi loeng Kosmoses: väga palju sellist juttu, mida enamik eestlasi lihtsalt ei kuula, aga kohati ikka ka see Lynch, mida MEIE tahtsime kuulda. Aga miks on nii, et see, kes inimene tegelikult on, meid justkui ei huvitagi, vaid me tahame et inimesed vastaksid meie kujutlusele neist...
This is what David Lynch´s lecture in cinema theater Cosmos was like today, in Tallinn, Estonia. A lot of mambo jambo that estonians will never ever listen to, they just won´t, you have to believe me! And in parts we heard the Lynch we EXPECTED to hear. But is is it that who a person REALLY is interests us less than the option that people are exactly who and what we picture them as.
Las olla siuke mees, las räägib oma juttu. ma kuulan ennem teda kui Pjotrit tänavanurgal kes räägib sõbrale plaanidest oma pirtsakat pruuti vägistada. Ma ei lähe Lynchi jutuga küll kaasa, aga ma annan talle võimaluse ( mida ta ka lõpus ütles.) Kuigi ma võiks ka siis juba ausalt üles tunnistada et TA ON LIHTSALT NII JÕLE KUULUS ET MA JU PIDIN TEDA NÄGEMA! Vot nii, tuli ära, rahu majas.
Let him be the guy he is, let him say what he has to say. I would rather listen to him than Pjotr on the streetcorner, who is telling his friend about the plans to rape his reluctant girlfriend....I will not go along with what Lynch has to say, but I will give him a chance, and hear him out. Or I might confess that HE IS JUST SO FRIGGIN FAMOUS I HAD TO SEE HIM! There, over and done with.
See on osa sellest, kes ta praegu on, tema isiksusest, ja ma ei tahagi näha mingit kujutletavat Lynchi, ma tahan näha Päris Inimest. Need teised kutid läksid küll üle võlli, aga ma ei pannud neid üldse tähele.
Need kes polnud natsid, kuulsid tegelikult ka kohati selle *tzzk! tzzk! shhhhhhh* *hhhhhhhhhh* vahele ka *tzzzkiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii* väga huvitavaid *brrržžžžzzžzuuuuuuiiiii* repliike. Mida ma ei hakka hetkel välja tooma- kui ei kuulnud, your loss.
This is part of HIM, of who he is NOW, his personality, and I do not wish to see an imaginary Lynch, I wish to see the Real Person. Those other guys with him went over the top, but they were just so...american. lynch is more a world citizen. Those of us who weren´t nazis heard a few interesting things inside the general noise.
Kus see vastostetud raamat oligi kuhu vahele ma märkmeid sodisin....ahjaa. Et kui inimene osutub millekski muuks, kui kellena sa teda varem tundsid, kas ta siis polegi see inimene? kas David Lynch ei olegi David Lynch? Rumalus ju. Ja teisele leheküljele, kihnu troi alla olen sodinud (ärge muretsege, harilikuga) et kõige kummalisem asi oli, et ainus tühimik, vaba koht toolireas kogu saalis, oli otse minu ees, kutsetega inimestele mõeldud reas. ja see tõmbas tähelepanu, ja kui David lavale tuli siis esimesed 10 minutit vahtis ta OTSE mulle otsa. Päriselt. Mujal polnud vaadata, sealt paistis tuli näkku. Ning ma arvan, esialgu pidid kauged külalised küll mõtlema, et nad on sattunud kiviaega, sest tunniajalise rahvavoolu tulemusel pilgeni täis saalis oli esimene ametlik teadaanne, et mikrites pole voolu. Ei no mida ogalik!
Is David Lynch NOT David Lynch? Who is he now then? If a person is not what you knew him as before is it not that person? Or is it all up to you, how you see him, if you judge people, condemn them, mock them, cast them aside.... I am not going to. This is the world we live in. The weirdest thing about the whole event was that right in front of me, inthe last row meant for people with invitations, were three empty seats - the only ones in the whole cinema theater and the hollowest spot, that had to catch the eye. And when David came on stage there was not much elsewhere to look but there, right at that spot, right at me, because that was the only place where light did not shine in the eye of the performer. This is just a crazy, crazy coincidence. And our visitors must have though E-Ston-ia is living Stone Age, cause as soon as the hour-long flow of people had filled the whole theater the first official announcement was that there is no power in the microphones. Luckily they got it to work pretty quickly.
Mulle meeldis see, mida David ütles filmimaailma kohta, ja kuidas sõnad on lihtsalt märkmed, et sulle sinu tegelikku ideed meelde tuletada. See on üks targemaid asju, mis keegi on öelnud. Nii et igasugu natsid, kes teevad antipropagandat, et sellistele loengutele ei tasu MITTE MILLEGI pärast minna, eksivad.
I liked what David said about the magical world of a movie, and how words are just notes you take to remind you of your true idea - the idea that is not just words put down on paper, not just dialogue and events, but sounds, colors, emotions, scents, everything, the whole feeling of a scene. Every nazi who says this sort of lecture is not worth going for ANY thing, is mistaken.
Mis puutub tollesse meditatsiooni, siis muidugi on kogu see idee üleforsseeritud. Kuid, näiteks: ma kritseldan, ma teen märkmeid, ma unistan, ma mõtlen pidevalt. Sest ma olen kunstnik, ma ei saa teisiti. Ka David on kunstnik....ta lihtsalt on läinud selle mõtisklemisega pisut liiga kaugele minu arvates. Aga samas.... mina ei oleks iial mõelnud välja Twin peaksi sündmustikku, Mina ei oleks kunagi välja mõelnud reaalsust ümberpööravat sinist karbikest ega Tuba. Nii et ma ei tea.... Ma lihtsalt ei taha olla teise loova inimese vastu ebaõiglane ja tema maailma maha materdada. On üks inimene ilmas. Ta on juhtumisi režissöör. ta on juhtumisi kuulus. Ta on see kes ta on. Ja ta pole meist halvem mitte.
When it comes to meditation, of course the whole idea is overblown and forced. But, say: I scribble, I draw, I dream, I think constantly, I cannot help myself, I am an artist and it is my living and my bread. David is also an artist, but I think MAYBE he has gone a little over the edge with ...say, thinking. But then again....I would never have made up all the events in Twin peaks. I would never have invented a little blue box that flips the reality around, I would never have invented The Room. I don´t know, I really couldn´t say. I just dont want to put another person, another creative being down. See this is the world we are at. This is somebody who is in this world. He happens to be a director. He happens to be famous. he happens to think and talk like that. And by no means, he is not worse than all of us.


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