Luuleõhtu 23. novembril 2007. Poetry night photos.

Ekskurseerimine /museum excursion

Haldjas / the girl who sang her lyric poems

Lauriito / extra spiced poet

Henry Griin / Mr. Vilde started making strange faces of amazement when this guy started reading. I tried capture the grimasses on picture but Mr. Vilde doesnt photograph well.

Kuuleskelemine /listening

Tekstiloesklemine /reading the poems on paper

Jutelemine / Q&A round with young poets

Koffetamine /caffeinating ourselves

Seekordse õhtu tugevuseks oli minu arvates nii erinevate inimtüüpide ja stiilide kokkujuhtumine. Enamvähem kõik skaala otsad ja punktid... mis on eesti noores luules. Ja kook ei tulnud ka nähtavasti nii halb välja kui ma kodus mõtlesin. Ning tekste loeti huviga.

This time the greatest strenght of the poetry night was the great difference between people who read poems, I mean, their whole character and being, and the styles the poems were written in, as well as the content.... All ends and dots on the scale... Afterwards I was glad to see the texts being read carefully by the audience from paper as well.
Kuid, kallid poeedid, teinekord katsuge oma paberitega otse küünlatule kohal veidi vähem vehkida, ma oleks mitu korda peaaegu kreepsu saanud, kui paberinurk tuld puutus.

But I hope next time the poets will be more careful with how close they are to the plate of candles.


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