Vabaduse rist või Gonzo fist, kumb ruulib?

Vabaduse võidusamba kavand
The idea for a statue dedicated to the Estonian War of Independence that lasted from 1918 to 1920, and everyone is and has protested against this sketch for a year now cause it looks a lot like a cemetary.

Ralph Steadmani graafiline leht (?) Gonzo rusikast (ma avan, see kujutab seda kahurit, kust Hunteri tuhk välja lendas)
A drawing or graphic sheet, whichever, by Ralph Steadman, depicting the cannon, I think, where they shot out Hunters´ ashes from.

No öelge nüüd kumb on lahedam? Kumb on originaalsem? Kumb on pilkupüüdvam?
So tell me, which one is cooler? which one is more original and unique? which one stands out more?

Tahtsin lisada et tegelikult mulle meeldivad ristid, vanad ristid, need sepistatud, või 14. - 15. sajandi rõngasristid nagu Vormsil, neil on iseloomu. See konkreetne sammas on natuke anonüümne. Surnuaedades on ristidel kuidagi jõulisem mõju kui kusagil mäe peal. Ja Ma pole üldse Vabadussõja mälestuse austamise vastu, eriti kuna oma vanavanaisa oli seal rühmajuht ja sai ka mingi medali (seda enam võiks see konkreetne sammas natuke isiklikum, natuke rohkem Oma olla, mitte selline Näitamise Asi). Aga natuke segaseks on see asi nüüd aetud küll, veel taastada mingi vana kabel kuskil linna teises otsas ja teised linnad teevad igaüks oma. Milleks selline segadusseajav susserdamine? Nagu Lauri Leesi ütles, see sammas hakkab sarnanema igapäevase tööpintsakuga. Äkki teeks igal aastal ühe. Siis võiks ju selle ka jääst või lumest teha.

I wanted to add that I actually do like crosses, the iron crosses from the 17th and 18th century on cemetaries and the round crosses from the 14th and 15th century, for example on Vormsi, But those crosses have somehow a more powerful aura, a more meaningful existence. It has just gotten a little messy, now that they are talking about restoring an old chapel at the other end of town too, that was dedicated to the War of Independence and destroyed in bombing, and other towns are thinking of making their own statues and Johann Laidoner (cute guy, aint he?), the general is in South of Estonia, Viljandi.... The statue should be a little more intimate, a little more personal, not just for showing off to visitors (thats how it seems right now, more mass and more space but less and less spiritual meaning) Like it was said on a TV show, the meaning of the statue has started to become similar to an ordinary work jacket, you could buy a new one every day if clothes weren´t so damn expensive. Then we could make a sculpture of snow or ice, it seems they would not mind making a new one every year as it is.


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