Näe päike loojus ja varesed sulistasid ja...Look, the sun sat on the corner of the sky

...pardid kraaksusid, ja männid sulistasid vees ja inimesed kohisesid rannal.
... and the seagulls were whispering and the crows were quacking, and the pines were playing in the low water and people were soughing on the beach.
Ja päeva võib lugeda kordaläinuks kui oled suutnud ära õmmelda kaks rulli niiti ja teha kellegile selgeks Top Gear´i ülivõrdelisuse.

And a day can be added to ones´ plus side if one has managed to empty two rolls of thread with sewing and made sure everyone understands that Top Gear rules.
see on tore kui miski sunnib natuke ringi vaatama, eriti oma kodu ukse ees.


It is nice to look around (even if it is practically from your own front porch)

Peeglitagune maa
Through the looking glass

My friend Triin

Nojah, vaata...... ma sattusin selle nakkuse ohvriks et "oMGXZ ma olin päiceseloojangu ajal caameraga rannas ja tegin MÕNED pildid.
Lõks, millesse me kõik võime langeda (ja kuidas mul küll seni on õnnestunud seda vältida, ma ei tea, neli aastat digikaameraga kümme sammu Stromkast elada ja mitte kordagi päikeseloojangut pildistada. peaks homme keli neli üles tõusma ja ( seda ma mõtlen ka 300-ndat korda...)

Well, you know, I am yet another victim of the infection called "OMG there is such a thing as a sunset and you cn lik make 10 000 pics of it and hang them all in the internet OMGXZ!" How on earth have I managed to hold myself back from doing that all these 4 years that I have had a digital camera? I should get up 4am tomorrow and ...)

"Nää ljind ljendab !"
"De Birdy flew out, hii!"

Grand finale!!!!


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