Norra reis: Nordkapp. Trip to Norway: North Cape

Meie järgmiseks tähtsamaks sihtkohaks oli Nordkapp. Tee sinna oli pikk ja üsna muljetevaene, mistõttu giid Ants veeris meile mingist reisiraamatustette kamaluga fakte Norra loodusest, mütoloogiast ja traditsioonilistest produktidest. Üks sellistest oli juust nimega Kamalost, tõlkes vana juust, mida meil ei õnnestunud aga veidral moel enne osta kui päris viimases poepeatuses reii lõpus. Võtsin praegu killukese....PÜHA JUUDAS mis jõledus. Mis ma selle kalli käkiga nüüd peale hakkan??? ... Kuigi näkileiva peal läheb ta alla tunduvalt libedamalt, ja eks see ole ilmselt harjumise asi.
Our next or THE most important destination was North Cape. The way there was eventless and a little tedious, so our guide spent hours and hours reading facts about Norwegian nature, mythology and food from some travel book. in slow motion. One of the national food products he mentioned was Kamalost, or the "old cheese", which we, surprisingly, still couldnt find in any shops or supermarkets before our very last "coin spilling spree" stop towards the end of our trip. Just now I decided to give it a little try . Holy giraffe, what a pile of ******** ! What am I supposed to do with this expensive piece of **** now? .... On another go with bread crisps it doesnt seem all that awful. Goes down although not without complications, and I also have a stomach ache.
bussis ei lõhnanud õhk mitte paremini kui vana juust ja Nordkappi jõudmine oli seetõttu meeldivaks värskenduseks. Europpa mandriosa kõige põhjapoolsem punkt asub Mageroya saarel, mille asustus on hõredamaid maailmas ja kus ei kasva praktiliselt ühtegi puud. Nordkapp ise on tegelikult 417 meetrit kõrge kaljunukk mis sirutub Põhja-Jäämere poole ja mille tüüpkaader kujutab kaljut keskkööpäikese erinevate faaside taustal.
the bus did not smell much less like old cheese so reaching North Cape seemed refreshing. The fog and rain that met us there, however, was received with many complaints from fellow travellers, who had expected a picture perfect view to the Arctic Ocean. The northernmost spot of the continental Europe is on the island of Mageroya, with some of the most barren land without almost a single tree. The 417 meters high rock stretches out into the Arctic Ocean and is most commonly seen on postcards on the background of the different phases of the midnight sun.

Juba Nordkappi jõudmise tegi vaevaliseks tihe udu, mis ülespoole ronides veelgi paksenes. Osas reisiseltsilistes tekitas see juba pahameelt Põhja-Jäämere nägemata jäämise pärast. kuulge, kas te tulite siia otsima päris elu või Hollywoodi...
Already reaching the tip of that rock was complicated because of the fog, but at the peak we couldnt see almost anything. Just a few steps away from the tourist center and you might already get lost. Should you pass the end of the fence in that fog, it may be the end of you. But thats what was the most exiting part of our visit for me! So scary, such a mythical, strange place. Had the sun been shining it would have taken away some of the magic.

The edge

Udus oli, tõsi küll, päris õudne. Serva all ei ole midagi. kui kukud jääd udusse hõljuma. Kaamera ei suuda fokuseerida, ise ei suuda keskenduda, iga asjaga jääme hiljaks, siis istume jälle pool tundi tühjas kinosaalis, silte unustame lugeda ja sugulaste aadressid kirjutame valesti.... kondame udus piirdeaia lõpuni kus pildistan viimast lille mäeküljel. siis jooksen kuuendat korda vetsu kaamerat kuivatama, saksa turistid vahivad hämmeldunult kuidas ma kõik paberkäterätid kiiruga hunnikusse laon ja neid likvideerima asun. Udu võimendas kogemust ilma otsast.
It was, however, quite scary, being near the edge and turning around....and not knowing how to o back to, well, anything. There was not just the fog outside.... your mind went into a sort of blur too. It is not just that the camera had nothing to focus on. You yourself cant focus and fall late for everything. You forget yourself in an empty cinema and sit there for half an hour before you realize the film is not going to start. You write all the addresses wrong, and you form a desire to step into the thick air where the fence ends. You really do believe you´d stay afloat...The german tourists gazed in wonder when I stacked all the paper towels on the restroom table and started carefully drying every part of my Nikon. I dont care if you are staring.... you are just another shadow in the fog. Nothing exists. It is the end of the world. One of a kind experience.
Nordkapi keskuses võis vaadata filmi, mida meie ei näinudki.... meil oli nii palju tegemist postkaartide saatmise, servalt mitte alla sadamise ja püüdlusega mb-kumb meist endist vähemalt ühe pildi peale saada ilma udusse täielikult neeldumata. Võimatu.... aga vägev.
There were things we couldnt make it to, like movie seances, we were busy writing cards, keeping us away from the edge, finding flowers on the cliffs and trying to get the camera to take at least one semi-decent shot of us. In vain.

Väga väga udused kaadrid
Hedgehogs in the fog
ent udu järgneb meile, nagu näriks keegi vaikselt ilmaserva, langoljeerid või midagi.
The fog follows us through the island, like in that Stephen King based movie...


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