Norra reis: teepeed, hütid ja hurtsikud. Trip to Norway: teepees, huts and shacks.

Mägionn rohukatusega
A mountain hut with a grass roof
Peale tobedate ja veidrate siltide jäid mulle Norra reisil silma kõikvõimalikud....ütleme, püstitised ja onnid ja telgid ja varjualused alates korralikest mägionnidest kuni kokkuvarisemise äärel olevate paadikuurideni vee ääres.
In addition to the silly and curious signs I was much attracted to the huts and shacks on the side of our road from souvenir-teepees to old boatshelters and hytte´s in the mountains, that are on the verge of collapsing but still standing side by side with the shiny new buildings.

Naljakas asi, Norra ülimalt korras elamiste kõrval leidub palju praktiliselt vaevu püsti seisvaid ja loodusega peaaegu ühte sulanud lobudikke, mida keegi siiski kokku ei lükka ja mis veedavad otse uute paadikuuride ja majakeste kõrval pensionipõlve.... mõned neist on veel viimse hetkeni kasutusel, vähemalt kui tundub et nad mingitki funktsiooni suudavad täita.
There are lots of them barely in the shape of an actual building any more, retired houses that arent being torn apart or pushed aside, but still trying to function if there is anything they can be used for. Even if it is hanging fish nets over them....

Kahjuks lippab palju kaadreid huvitavatest saradest sõidu ajal mööda, aga ükski fotograaf ei tohi ju kaotatud võimalusi taga nutta. Muidu läheks vist peast ogaraks, sest neid päästmatult "möödas!"-hetki on niivõrd palju.
So many wonderful shots rush by me....but I cannot cry for the lost chances. I would go crazy, if I thought about all the "Ahh, missed it!" moments. I can understand how photographers must feel - you cannot linger on it....

Paar sara
A couple of shacks
Teine objekt mis torkab maastikul silma rohkem kui ükski teine, on püstkoda. Enamasti, tõsi asuvad püstkodades suveniiripoed ja muud turistiatraktsioonid. Ühes niisuguses pakutakse põhjapõdrasuppi...Reinso MIDA????!
The other thing that catches the eye is the frequency of teepee, not just as souvenir shops and other tourist attractions, but as a practical dwelling in the mountains. In one of these they were selling raindeer soup...Reinso what????
Jeepers creepers? Why is that sign carrying my last name? when did they put ME in the soup????

Uhh-uhh. Milline ehmatus. See on minu jaoks päris õudne koda, vorstid ripuvad ja kõigil on nahk maha kooritud, igal pool mingi jõle liha. Tahan kähku välja.
What a fright. That teepee was rather horrible, with all those sausages and dark meat, all the deerskins and the smell of fat

Püstkoda ja püstkojatelk Karasjoki kämpingus
Teepee and a teepee-shaped individual tent in Karasjok campsite.
Traditsioonilist püstkoda kohtab kõige rohkem küll saami aladel, ent esmakordselt avastan ka, et on olemas püstkojaformaadis matkatelgid. Logish, see on ju hästi mugav variant, sest tavalises telgis sa juba lõket üles ei tee, aga püstkojas on see võimalik. Lõke ei anna lihtsalt sooja, sellel saab ju otse telgis teed keeta ja lisaks hoiab ta ka sääsed eemal.
The traditional sami teepee is most common in the northernmost region, but I also notice in a lot of camp sites and even peoples personal yards you can see a teepee shaped hiking tent. I think it must be really convenient, cause I mean, you can make a fire inside, which keeps away all the mosquito and warms you up nicely, not to mention you can cook on it (assuming you have some sort of a kettle).

Püstkoja sissepääs
Entrance to the teepeeAntud püstkojad erinevad neist, mida olen varem kohanud, nii oma kinnituste vaiade arvu kui ka asetuse poolest.
These teepees are semi-permanent with their built, they have a lot more poles and a tighter system of fasteners.

Vaiad on kinnitatud metallist rõnga külge, muutes koja praktiliselt püsiehitiseks.
The poles are attached to a metallic circle, turning the teepee into a half-permanent dwelling
Püstkoda on saamidele-norrakatele sedavõrd armas, et tema vorm kandub üle ka iseleiutatud saradele, mida kaunis raske isegi onniks kutsuda. Sellele konkreetsele moodustisele sattusime karasjokis suvaliste uusmajade vahel ringi konnates.
The teepee shape is also tranferred to shacks and dwellings that I am reluctant to call even a hut. This particular monstrosity was just stainding somehwere between the modern freshly built apartment houses in Karasjok and we just bumped into it.
Karasjoki üks attraktsioone on ka saami vabaõhumuuseum, kus võib tutvuda erinevate kodade ja onnikestega alates kaasasveetavast suuskade hoiuruumist kuni maaga kokku kasvanud mätasonnideni, mis on peamiselt mõeldud keldriteks ja külmutusruumideks.
One of the attractions in Karasjok is the open air sami museum with all the types of dwellings they used. The grass-covered cellars and huts were especially lovely, being half-swallowed by the ground.

Üks kummaline konstruktsioon leidus Karasjoki kämpingus, ilmselt on see saami koja raam, millele teoorias saaks katte peale tõmmata, võibolla mingeid põdranahku laduda. Hiljem, Tromso muuseumi seinal, tuleb see konstruktsioon igatahes tuttav ette, seal on näidatud veel lausa 8 varianti raame saami kojale ja mitmeid teisi rahvakildudelt üle ilma.
One strange construction caught my eye in the camping of Karasjok, I think it must be a teepee frame (the sami type), I saw a sketch of a similar frame in Tromso museum too. That museum gives you an idea of 8 types of frames and many sami dwellings along with other types of huts and teepees across the world.

Norrakad armastavad pisikesi majakesi nii väga, et ka nende prügikastid ja postkastid saavad endale isikliku putka. Koertest ja isegi kassidest rääkimata. Ime veel et koerakuudi kõrval pole omakorda isiklikku postkastimajakest.
The norwegians really do love their huts, not just as summer or ski houses in the mountains, but in general. Even their garbage containers and mailboxes get their own little house, not to mention their dogs and cats. I am just surpised their doghouses dont have their own mail box huts on the side too.

Ja siis on muidugi rorbud, see kõige kuulsam ja silmatorkavam Norramaa ehitis. Aga nendest kuulete siis, kui ma räägin Nusfjordi kalurikülast.
And of course there are the rorbu, the most famous dwelling of Norway. But that doesnt quite qualify as a shack or a hut, it is much more refined. So you´ll hear about the rorbu when I post a chapter on Nusfjord.


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