Uued sallid, lähen nendega galeriisse nüüd.
New scarves, going straight to the gallery.
Mida enam proovida uusi nippe seda enam tekib mõtteid mida veel võiks katsetada. Seda teavad isegi neljandikud!!!
The more I try new stuff the more ideas I get. Even the 4th-graders are familiar with this truth.
Mis puutub kooli praegu... mu hääl ei tule enam tagasi, see on kindel. Aga suurem mure on see, kuidas anda ise sama palju või rohkem teadmisi kui ma ise selle väikese ajaga õppinud olen....
What comes to school at this moment.... I won´t get my voice back, thats final. But the bigger problem is how to teach as much as I am learning myself from this whole business.
Jätk: ma pole kunagi varem lausa füüsiliselt tundnud kuidas mu aju töötab raginal. See tähendab, võibolla tekstiilikunsti essal kursusel. See vabadus ja loominguline energia on enam-vähem samasuguse iseloomuga. Ükskord ma nägin telkust saadet kus räägiti kuidas trenniminek tuletab lihastele meelde, et nüüd on vaja tööle hakata. Ma arvan, et mõtlemise ja loovusega on sama lugu, kui pead järsku tunduvalt rohkem pingutama, siis lülitaks ajus justkui mingi 6. käigu sisse.
I am working on top gears, cause it is like taking up exercising after a long time. I guess I havent put my brain to work as intensely as I imagined and it has kind of run idle for several miles. Now I have reminded it that it has to use more of its horse powers.....I am sort of having a deja-vu of the first course of Uni, when I did not set any restrictions to my mind and often drove through red lights (a.k.a. never minded what my lectors told me and did my own thing).
Need kindad on angooraga. Ja need roosad mis paistavad salli alt on linase lõngaga.
Angora wool mittens.... And the pink mittens have linen threads inbetween the mohair and wool.
See hall sall on ehk väga tavaline või käsitöölik....aga vahel ma olen sunnitud tegema mõne taolise lisaks, sest NII KURADI KIIRE ON ET...!
I have to make an artistic discount sometimes and make a few very ordinary scarves like the gray one for the gallery. Cause they are in such a hurry and I wouldnt have enough stuff to take there otherwise.