Roosad Käärid. Pink Scissors.

Õnnelik 7. Roosade Kääride etendus ja noorte moedisainerite võistlus Rocca Al Mare Koolis, 28. novembril 2008.
Event: young fashion designers competition, Pink Scissors, show with a lucky number 7 on 28th of november in RAM School, Tallinn, Estonia.

Kohale pressis palju fotograafe, mina pressisin ennast pressile reserveeritud astmele istuma ja I. pressis end lavale kampsunikuues astuma, modellid asusid moeisu tekitama ja publik niisama toolide peal kükitama.
A considerable number of photographers and considerably interesting numbers on stage, with us, teachers, having our own moment of stardom when the gym teacher squeezed himself on the tiny catwalk with a kind of huge-ish "royal cloak" made of old school uniform sweaters.
Üht võin selle kooli kohta nüüd kindlalt öelda. Sealsele majavaimule ei meeldi mikrofonid. Ma ise nägin, kuidas ta juhet näris, püüdes seda illegaalset akti kohmakalt muffiniga varjata. Seejärel salvestas ta oma musatoosiga rea turtsatusi, röögatusi, kriginaid, röhatusi, ruigeid, kähinaid ja klähvatusi, seades nende taasesituse ajaks "Tähtsad hetked.".
I can at least confirm one thing about this school. The poltergeist that they have detests microphones. I was an eyewitness to him viciously chewing a chord, clumsily hiding the act with a Peanut- marzipan muffin. After having finished the chewing he recorded a row of roars, blurts, hisses, creaks, shouts, and barks, setting the time of their replay on "Crucial Moments."
Käsi südamel, noh. (???)
Cross my heart, y´know?
Õhtu esimeses pooles tuiskas meie eest läbi priske hulk saledaid modelle seitsmes vaatuses, ühe rihma otsas ja kahe roosa puhvvarrukaga, sebraga, sõbraga, triiksärgi ning tiigriga, augustatud koti ja kodustatud anarhistidega, retrokanga ja neoon-hoiatus-seelikutega ja mille kõigega veel.
During the first part of the evening we witnessed a fast forward film of slender models in seven thick rounds, on one leash and in two pink puffed sleeves, zebra-friendly vampresses and white- collared tigers, with a bag of holes and whole- in-one bachelor bunch, retro frabric and neon warning skirts and whatnot.
Õhtu teine osa oli

pikk paus.
During the second part of the evening we had a break and sat in the chair of fine arts admiring the soon-to-go-on-stage sweater cloak and a red hot Dolce&Gabbana-clocks-and-palm-computers-covered turban.
Õhtu kolmandas osas nägime ja olime osa külaliskollektsioone ja -esinejaid, kuulutasime välja võitjad ja.... ei, seda tegi vist siiski keegi teine. Vist see tüüp, kes nägi välja nagu kondor Kuuno ja Plekkmäe.... ei, Eesmaa-Liisi.
In the third part of the evening we saw and were the guest collections and - performers and announced the, I think someone else did that. That guy who looked like a bald eagle and the young much praised fashion designer.
Võitjaks tuli seitse venda. Või õigemini õhtu ainus meesdisainer oma modellidega.
The winner was the only male designer in the competition with his models.
Ega ma rohkem midagi huvitavat ei räägigi. ........................ Mis teie siis ootasite?
......Hey, thats it. What else did you think I was gonna say? The end. Now get out. Shoot! Go, go!


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