W h@d joy W h@d f4n, ja kus teie ülejäänud siis olite?

Ma tahtsin juba palju varem, kohe pärast kojujõudmist pildid nõndanimetet klassi....noh, klassi...kaas...osaliste.... hängimisest Kastellaanimaja ülakorrusel siia üles saada, aga see internetiühendus, mille E***ni põrssad mulle paigaldasid, on üks vana kühvel.
Meid niipalju kui oli, mis sinna ikka teha. Aga vaat, kui inimesi on palju koos, siis räägitakse tühjast tähjast ja ei saada üksteise kohta ikka palju rohkem teada.
Kes ei tulnud, need juba teavad isegi, millest ilma jäid. Villalilledest, vilditud seebist, muffinitest ja käsitsi maalitud tapeetidest. Käisime Vildel ka külas. Ta on, muide, surnud, teate jah? Nagu Karl XII.....
I wanted to upload pictures of my so-called or more or less non-existant class get-together (with 5 people) a lot earlier, right after getting home, but this internet connection is one slow tart. Although there werent too many of us, I liked this day, beause sometimes, with a lot of people, you dont really learn anything about anybody. You may not feel that linked.
We made some felted flowers, and felted soap and felted bookmarks, and, well, stuff that is felted. And we ate some muffins and drank some tea and coffee and paid our respect to Mr Vilde downstairs. He is dead.
Mis ma peaks ütlema.... kindlasti seda, et Hannes peaks arhitektuuriõpingud lõpule viima. Esiteks selle pärast, et kaua võib mingeid aknahingi ja ukseraame pildistada, teiseks seetõttu, et kui üks inimene mõtleb ja räägib vahetpidamatult ainult arhitektuurist, siis on selge, et see ala on ta juba ümber sõrme keeranud. ja kolmandaks sellepärast, et kui kulutada rohkem aega laua taga joonestamisele, ei ole tal nii palju võimalust autoga sõites kahel poole teed paiknevatele majadele viidates roolist alatasa lahti lasta.....
what do you think- should a person, who constantly talks about architecture and can hardly keep his mind off the difference between old and new windows or flooring, lets go the driving wheel when pointing on different buildings on each side of the road and takes a million pictures of window hinges, just abaondon the thought of finishing the architectural studies? I think not....I think he should continue. It is obvious the bug has dug deep.
Teatavatest illegaalsetest ja loovisikutele laastavalt mõjuvast toimingust kokkusaamise alguses ma parem ei iitsata. Ütleme lihtsalt, et tegelikkuses pole võimalik rippida "Folgilt ostetud CD-d", on ainult võimalik samadest lauludest teise täiesti ilma oma loota tooriku peale koopiad teha. Seega me ju ei paljunda ega levita tegelikult originaali? Isegi kui tellida e-poest või osta takkajärgi sama album, see poleks niimoodi arutledes ikkagi seesama, nii et mis vahet seal lõpuks on?
I can not possibly mention a certain act that is illegal and highly unfair towards people on a certain field of arts.... The word rip has a funny sound. I have never done that. But it is exactly how the word sounds itself - ripping off the artist. cannot say I like it, but...but if one really really really likes something? If there is no chance of getting your hands on the real thing ? I mean, one can order a CD from internet or buy it. But it wont be the "CD I bought from a kickass festival with a theme based on my favorite instrument". It can never be the same thing anyway. It cant have a story like that. So what difference does it make? even a legal copy will still be a replica in that sense. It may be wrong to share music, but is it worn to share a musical taste.....

Tegelikult on pildidl 25 inimest. Te ei näe või?
It is actually 25 people instead of the 4 your see. The others just sent their etherial bodies.

Aiäm ö bisibisi bisnessvomään. Nõutaim fojuu, kooling piipul ooldetaim. See - aikool. Aikiip kooling. Stillkooling. Kooling evribaadi.
Does she not look like a curator of the gallery or something? Or "that one from our class who isnt a life failure"?

Harjutamine teeb Hanneseks.
Practice is the father of Santa Claus.

Pimeda mehe kompamismeele harjutused?
Blind man refining his sense of materials?

Kuidagi nagu näeks topelt peaaegu.
Somehow I almost feel like seeing double....

Kloonimine ei õnnestu alati 100%-selt
Cloning doesnt always result in perfect success.

Täielik kammaijaa, vaata, mis kell on. Igavene vana saag see internet.
Damn that internet As slow as an environmentalist in
the US....


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