Chris Shepherd (Animateek nr 6)

Woah, ei tea, kas ma olen ainus friiik peale animatsioonitudengite, kes sellel üritusel käib? Ma siiski loodan, et mitte, ja saal on üsna täis ka. HÖHEH!
HEHÖH! I thought I was the only crazy animation fanatic going regularly to the even called Animateek, besides the HÖHEH HIHAA animations students from the Academy of Arts, but the theater is full, so there must be other HIHOHE people too.
Täna oli külaliseks Animateegis mees, keda mina nüüd kutsun HEHOHAH- mees. HÖHEH, HEHA! Teda kasvatas paranoiline telekas Liverpoolis ja ema. HÖHEH!
HIH the guest HÖH today is Chris Shepherd, author of some rather peculiar, somewhat cruel, but thoroughly funny and very elaborative films that mix animation techniques - both puppet and drawn animation - with live action. He was raised by a mother in TV - I mean, Liverpool, and a paranoid, wait... who was paranoid, exactly? Damn these discontinuous notes in the dark. Chris is a brit, who, more than like a Seriously Serious- Serious Filmmaker seems like a guy who just goes through life trying to find things he enjoys and that make it worthwile doing a job with the result of the job itself as the prize.
HIH - nüüd saan ma palju paremini aru inglise inimese tegelikkusest ja sellest keskkonnast, mis neid ümbritseda - HEHOHII - võib. Vähemalt filmid Vaikus on kuldne ning Isa on surnud avasid minu jaoks -HIHEE - paljude seni arusaamatuks jäänud ühiskondlike nähtuste tagamaid (ma kogu aeg loen tuttavate inglaste repliike igasugu chavide ja muu hullumeelsuse kohta aga ei saa aru mida see SISULISELT tähendab). Oma lapsepõlvest, keskkonnast, kus ta üles HEHAA- kasvas ja inimeste käitumisest, ütles Chris, oligi tal alatine soov filme teha. Aga esialgu viis teda animatsiooni juurde töötus ja mingi õber keda telekas, ei, see teine, ....ema...pidas tõenäoliseks geiks kuid kes seda polnud. Oli animafilmi - HÖHEH- tegija hoopis.
I can now grasp the background of many remarks from my english friends over the internet a lot better. So that is what HEHÖH they meant? So that is who they MET? So that´s what you get? Why the reality is what it is, and what generates peoples behavior, what they are like and what their surroundings and types HEHÖH of people they meet does to them, when it is made picture clear, you don´t have to go to Wikipedia to find out and have an extra HIHAA coffee break in your day instead. HÖH Silence is golden and Dad´s dead are such nifty films, that you can´t separate real from unreal and surreal from wishful thinking and all of that from a real HÖHÄH life visualized flashback... Lifeless HEHA things just randomly give a reaction or start moving in the middle of the scene, it is not like they are " animated" really, it feels more like they dont HIIHOO have a reason to react before that moment. They are triggered by the natural course of events in the film.
Movies about real environment, his background and his childhood were something Chris said he really wanted to make movies about. I guess the english get that urge a lot - angsty social dramas in mining towns and ugly realy people with ugly intentions and twisted dreams....I am way too pessimistic about british films, aren´t I?
Chris Shepherd segab mängu- ja animafilmi, ja - HÖHEH- väga osavalt. Mingil hetkel lihtsalt on vaja vihikusse kritseldatud kriipsujukud elama ja liikuma panna. Mingil- HEHOHII HAHA - hetkel on vaja, et elutud asjad hakkaksid elavalt reageerima mõne pärisnäitleja tegevusele filmis, näiteks seina prõmmimisele. Mõnel HÖHEH hetkel on vaja, et tagasivaates (loe:flashback) muutuksid tegelaste kontuurid ebaselgeks ja näod ning kehad sulaks kokku keskkonna ja omaenda tegudega. Või et kunagi mõeldud mõtted visualiseeruks HIHEHOHAA mängult päris keskkonnas. HEH- HIHOO! Chrisi sõnul püüdis ta luua mitmekihilist pilti, mis oleks nagu Francis Baconi maal elavas esituses.
He mixes the techniques so fluently and cleverly that it seems like he did not even move a finger, just basically rolled the tape and said action, and everyone, the actors and the puppets and the drawings knew exactly what to do and when. Sometimes he needs the random objects on a TV set to react to a "crazy neighbors banging his head against the wall", and they do...souvenir dolls pull a hat over their eyes and other puppets grown and complain.
Ma näen ekraanil pidevalt kummitust või mingit varju.... ei tea kes see on...

Shepherdi omapärased naerupahvakud jutu vahel meenutasid mulle seda, kuidas naersid tema kõige julmemad tegelased.
The way Shepherds cruelest /funniest characters laugh is a lot like his "HEHÖH, HAHII, HEHAA, HIH and HEHÖHIHAHOO" in the middle of his talk.
Ta on, muide, teinud ühe sketši komöödiasarjale Big Train. Ma arvan, et teate seda küll...
He is also the author of that staring contest sketch series in Big Train. You know, the one where nothing happens.
Follow the links inside the black text to see and find out more.
Anyway, I think he´s a fun guy, I don´t know, why his animations seem to be rather dark, mostly.


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