Eesti [tek]stiilseimad preemiad. Most [m]annual artists´ prizes in Estonia.

Palju õnne, Anu, aasta tekstiilikunstnik 2008!!!Congratulations, Anu Raud, textile artist of the year 2008!!!
Pildil on veel näiteks Ene Pars, Monika Järg ja Liisa Tomasberg (pagan, ma ei mäleta kas kahe või ühe O-ga....ilmselt kahega, sest tema tööd ajavad inimestel ikka MÕLEMAD silmad suureks.)
Besides Anu Raud (gray hair) you can see some other textile artists here.

Kirill kaasikus....
Young textile artist of the year Kirill Safonov.
Alles see oli, kui ta esmakursuslasena Anu juures praktikal käis ja ma toonast gruppi paelu punuma õpetasin... Mida lahedat me tegimegi siis, üks vööülesanne oli ja...veel üht-teist. Kirillil on ikka mega silmatorkavad ja kriiskavalt läikivast materjalist teosed. Tema patjade peal olid ka näod (näitus aastapreemiate töödest on Hop Galeriis) ja seetõttu meenutasid need mulle Eesti Nägude projekti .... kuidagi sarnane teema juhtumisi.
It seems like just recently that he (the author of this kind of things) was a first year student doing the ethnographic apprenticeship in Heimtali museum, at Anu´s place, and I remember teaching their group how to twine ribbons and belts. There were faces on his pillows and fabrics (the exhibition with the works of prizewinners is in Hop Gallery, Tallinn) and thus they reminded me of our schools´ portrait project. It is just an accidental similarity in themes. Faces ARE an interesting subject though.

...three generations of paparazzi... catching the main prizewinner on a shot.

Aasta Meister Meister ...Lylian Meister.
Pincushion Queen!!! (it is a reference, you know...) Or, the Master of the year, Lylian Meister. Special prize for an artwork with the most impressive duration. She embroidered one thousand and one pincushions in 3 years.
Mis puutub Eesti Tekstiilikunstnike Liitu, siis siiamaani on meil vist küll kuhjaga vedanud. On kaks galeriid, Lühike Jalg ja Portaal, kus põhimõtteliselt asju küll müüakse, aga need on ka kohad tööde NÄITAMISEKS. Sest ega suuremaid asju ju kohe ära ei müüda. See on nagu kõige pikem näitus. Ja tekstiilikunstnikel on üldse rohkem kohti, kus sitsida. Katariina Gildid ja värgid... Lühikese Jala Galerii algatatud Aasta Tekstiili auhind sai küll sel aastal välja antud Kultuurikapitali toel, ent ometi, kui poleks galeriid, poleks ka auhinda. Ja iga kord, kui Galeriis jälle mingi avamine või kogunemine on, ajab mind pisut itsitama selline "gängi kokkutulek" pisut allpool tänavatasapinda, ja see peaaegu et "tekstiilikunstnike isikliku elutoa" tunne mis seal tekib.
What comes to the Estonian Textile Artists Union, then we are at great luck to have two splendid galleries to always be represented at. Although basically they sell applied arts, it is alos a place to show works. No one buys larger pieces in a very short time. It is like the longest lasting exhibition... And they were the ones who started handing out a prize called Textile of the year, for which they had to apply for funding this year, but it is nevertheless their prize. I can´t help but feel very amused at these "gang meetings" in the Gallery, below street level, peoples feet passing by, and textile artists treating the place like their personal living room. It sort of feels like being at a friends birthday every time.
Mul on tunne, et tänavused auhinnad läksid just nendele inimestele, kes ei tee lihtsalt kunsti selle järgi, milline idee parasjagu on pähe torganud, vaid neil on kõigil väga konkreetne oma nišš, oma liin ajada. Anu ja tema eriline lugupidamine rahvakunsti (ning maailma stiilseima pidurõiva mulgi kuue) vastu. Kirilli pop-funky-haute couture-trükikangad. Lylian tikib kuni PISTMA hakkab, või pistab kuni uni peale TIKUB. Ja tegelikult on Keret Altpere ( Aasta Tekstiil, Bretagne ja Saaremaa dokumentaalsete tekstiilijuppide põhjal loodud vaip) ka teinud väga sarnast asja oma needitud mustadele vaipadele. ikka seesamune mummukeste-täpikeste rütm, ainult natuke suuremas mõõtkavas.
I have a feeling the prizes this year went to all the people who don´t just realize any random idea that pops into their head, but have their own niche, their own THING, that they grow and nurture. Anus´ respect towards folk art and especially the worlds most stylish red carpet wear - mulgi coat. Kirill´s pop-funky printed fabric haute couture, the fusion of structures and images and patterns. Actually, the maker of the Textile of the Year - Keret Altpere - basically also does the same thing as her black rivet carpets, playing a game of spots, buttons, dots... in just a bigger scale.
On hea, kui on see OMA ASI. Mõned inimesed, keda ma õhtu jooksul kohtasin, otsivad seda OMA ikka veel. Ma tean omast käest, kui õnnetuks selle OMA ASJA puudumine inimese teeb, ja kui lootusetu see tundub. Mõnikord on vastus käeulatuses, aga sa ei näe seda, kui keegi ei tule appi ja näpuga ei näita. Tuleb pöörata pilk endasse ja anda endale võimalus.
It really is great to have YOUR OWN THING. Some people I met during the evening are still looking for that. The more hopeless it seems the harder it is to find it. Sometimes you just don´t see it... someone needs to point it out, or you might cast something really great aside and give up before you give yourself a chance.
Ja tuleb ringi käia lahtiste silmadega ja olla avatud kõigele mis ümberringi toimub. Ma võtan oma lubadust rohkem muuseumides ja näitustel käia ning üldse kultuuri tarbida päris tõsiselt, ja sellest ka elevandid ja küünlad mis mul eile silme ees ujusid. peaaegu igal õhtul on MIDAGI. Eile oli kahe tekstiiliürituse (näituse avamine ja auhinnad) vahel sissepõige Linnagaleriisse näitusele Himaalaja lapsed, mis pakub meile pilguheitu ühe Tiibeti kloostrikooli igapäevategemistesse ja meile harjumuspärasest tunduvalt erinevasse õppimisprotsessi. Sealses ühiskonnas tundub olevat väga oluline, et keegi ei jääks kõrvale - kui vanem vend saab maja ja keskmine karja, siis noorem läheb kloostrikooli. Igalühel on OMA ASI, ja seda osatakse ka hinnata. Lapsed tukuvad raamat pea all ja loevad kohe silmi avades poolelt realt edasi kus iganes eelmisel õhtul pooleli jäi. Nad mängivad ka oma mänge, jorisevad laulda ja osalevad kloostri tseremooniates. Nad on ühed õnnejunnid, et neil veel on luksus õppida OMAS keskkonnas, et veel on selliseid kohti ja koole, mis igas detailis nende oma kultuuri kannavad, mis pole kultuuriliselt steriilsed, kohad kus on OMA hõng.
One needs to walk around with his eyes open and be receptive towards every little bit of what is happening. I have kept the word I gave myself - to visit a lot more museums and exhibitions and to experience more culture in general this year. This week has really been busy, I don´t even have any strenght left to go to the school ball tonight (it is the schools´ 9th birthday). I have gone somewhere every night, be it animations or courses or openings... Yesterday I squeezed a visit to an exhibition called The Children of Himalaya in between the opening and the award ceremony. The exhibition presented us photos and videos about a monastery school in Tibet. Their daily routine and their method of studying is so different from what most of us is used to, but it is undoubtably very suitable for a society that they have there. It seems most essential for tibetans that everyone has their place, their THING. If the older son gets the house and the land, and the middle one gets the cattle, then the youngest goes to study in a monastery school. And they do know better than not to appreciate it. Getting up at 4 am and, having had the text book as a pillow, continuing to read from where you finished right before you dozed off, that is most admireable from a 6 year old boy. The children are children though, they play games and sing and take part in the ceremonies, eat together with everybody... and they have the luxury to study in an environment that is not culturally sterile and has its OWN feel and presence.
Pärast galerii üritust läksin veel Priit Pärna joonisfilme vaatama - Kas maakera on ümmargune?, Ja teeb trikke, Kolmnurk, Aeg maha!, Eine Murul ja Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita. No minge metsa kui pikalt see kestis! Pool sellest ajast täitis vist too viimane film, üsna mõttetu seejuures. Oleks eelistanud Porgandite ööd, kui juba märgade saabastega kinos istuda. Kuidas Priit Pärn selle oma asja ikkagi leidis, ta ei osanud ju väidetavalt joonistadagi? Aga näe, on asi. Täiega on. Pole vaja muud kui ideed. Ei, mitte lihtsalt ideed... ma ei teagi mida. Mõttevabadust äkki? Sellist, mis läheb kasvõi läbi müüri, sellist, millele sa ise ka kätt ette ei pane. Ja hästi palju porgandeid on vaja. Ma arvan, et ma leidsin seekord kõigist filmidest kõik porgandid üles!!! Oli ka tolles viimases filmis helgeid momente, näiteks kana. Aga ärge vaadake seda filmi, sest see on ikka TÕESTI väga igav. Ega seda õnneks Eesti Filmi Päevadel rohkem ei näidata ka.
After the event in the gallery I went to see Priit Pärns´ animations in Tallinn Cinema House. Holy pants, how long it took, I thought it was going to be 6 short animations. The last one, Life without Gabriella Ferri, probably took up half of that time. Don´t see that one, really, cinematic snobs may think differently, but it is boring as hell. Not funny, not THAT dramatic, not quite this OR that. It had some highlights - like a chicken - but it was still boring. But then, it won´t be shown twice during this event anyway. I would have preferred The Night of Carrots, if I had to sit through SOMETHING with wet boots. Well, there were enough carrots in the rest of the animations shown there, too. I managed to find all the carrots and bunnies. Believe me, I did not miss one.
How did Pärn find HIS thing, if, as he has said repeatedly, he thought he couldnt even draw [well]? I guess it needs something better than knowledge. Ideas. Or more tahn that.... freedom of mind? Or an impulse, that makes you unstoppable, so that you can even walk through walls. You also need a lot, a LOT of carrots. they are good for the mind, you know?
Ma tahan veel lõpetuseks kiita 8. klassi, kes, rääkimata sellest, et mitte varem ära minna olid tunnis isegi kauem kui pidid ja tegid valmis ühe korraliku plakati. Ma tean, see ei ole teie OMA ASI, noh mingis mõttes teie kooli asi on teie asi ka. Aga te olite tõesti imetlusväärselt kannatlikud ja kohusetundlikud, ja sellest oli palju abi!
I want to thank the Aca....I mean, 8th grade. Just because. They could have gotten off sooner than they should have, but instead they stayd until they finished the work that was given, which took longer than the one lesson we had today. Really, I know it is not their OWN THING, although their schools´event is sort of their thing too - sort of. But it´s great to see them w0rking hard on something together. They have spirit.


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