Tekstiilide hingehoid III. Pesupäev. The preservation of the Soul of textiles III. Laundry day.
The students
Quit jabbering and start working NOW!
Mis toimus: pesin linikut [LOL]. Siin linik enne pesu. Kas ta päris valgeks lähebki... Tundus teine lihtsalt naturaalset beeži tooni olevat.
We washed a piece of textile. It was supposed to get all bright white, the teacher claimed. I doubted that. It looked like this little thing was originally not completely white in the first place.
It was hard to get clean, cause it is difficult to reach beneath that flower.
Ma ei teinud töö etappidest pilte. Ta oli nagunii pesuaine vahu sees. Aga siin on linik vahetult pärast pesu. Pesu koosnes siis vahuga pesemisest lameda kausi põhjas (36 kraadine vesi 0,2 ml Miniriskiga). Plekkidele tuleb vatitikuga kontsentreeritumat pesuainet tupsutada. Meie tegime pesu kiirkorras, tegelikult tuleks jätta ese vahuga tunniks ajaks seisma. Pesta tuleb mõlemast küljest, keerates eseme vee all kile abil ringi. Siis tuleb teda pesta naturaalse svammiga muljudes ja patsutades. Seejärel lisada sooja vett, siis veel patsutada ja lasta seista vaheldumisi u. 20 minutit. siis vesi ära valada. Järgneb loputamine. 6 korda vahetatakse pesuvannis jahedat vett. Viimases loputusvees võib ese omakorda tund aega seista. Enne vee äravalamist tuleb teda vee all vormida ja venitada. siis tehakse ta svammi ja käterätiga kuivaks ja antakse talle õige kuju ja vorm. Ja siis kuivatatakse jaheda õhuga föönist....
I made no photos of all the stages of this try-out work. It was covered in foam anyway. But on the above picture you can see the textile right after washing when it is still wet. We washed inside a flat bowl with 36 degree celsius water that had 0,2 ml of Minirisk washing liquid in it. First you had to cover the thing with foam, adding some extra concentrated washing liquid on the stain spots. Then you leave it for an hour and then you wash it with a natural sponge. You don´t rub you just press. You need to wash the textile from both sides. After washing it a bit with foam you add warm water and wash it another 20 minutes (gaaaawd...) and then you pour the water away. What is next is rinsing it 6 times in cool water. You have to leave it for another hour in the last rinsing water. then you stretch it under water and pour the water away. You dry the textile carfully with a sponge and a towel and shape it. Then you dry it with cool air from a hairdryer.
I know. Boring. Let´s switch to some poetry.
Siuke on linik peale pesu. Mingit väga olulist vahet kiir0pesuga ei tekkinud. Natuke läks puhtamaks.... Ma püüan seda pesu korrata aeglasemalt ja vaatan, mis siis saab.
I dont see no difference... but I will try and repeat the process and make it really slow, and see if it makes a difference. I do admit this textile is rather dirty, especially around the flowers. They are very hard to get clean...
As if you care.
As if you care.