Gaudeamus higi...misiganes.... I am going to study some more. Again. After all.

Niisiis.... Eesti Kunstiakadeemia õpetajakoolitus võtaks mu rõõmuga vastu ja kohandaks individuaalse õppegraafiku... täna oli vestlus ja täna helistati ka kohe. Mulle meeldiks seal õppida, sest see asub kultuurantropoloogiaga samas kalidoris ja õppejõud tunduvat kandvat meie kooliga sarnaseid ideesid. Valikained on niiiiiiii mahlased et kavatsen ik kaks aastat õppi. Vist, võibolla. Eks paistab. Minu pluss on magistritöö kirjutamise juba olemasolev kogemus ja võimalus just RAM kooli ühisprojekte selle teemaks kasutada - näiteks.
Mulle meeldiks olla jälle EKA tudeng. Väga. See on minu PÄRIS Ülikool, minu koduülikool. Tallinna ülikoolis said inimesed omaks, aga kool ise mitte. See oli vaheetapp. Nüüd on mul võimalik kogeda uusi asju vanas majas, mille õhkkond tundub olevat soe ja vaimne.
I am taking a teachers master course so I can, primarily, just broaden my mind a bit again and secondly, continue teaching at school. I just got a call that I am on the state funded spot and can come to school on the 23rd of august. The chair is placed at the same building as cultural anthropology studies and shares a lot of selectives with it, also there is the interior architecture and furniture design in that house, but on the other side. The staff seemed like modern, friendly, open-minded and very cultural people. The overall athmosphere seemed very ... supportive and , you know, the spirit and mentality was kind of very cozy. Not dry or very strictly academic like some other places I know where you can get this degree. I have confidence that I can write another Masters cause I managed to get one done, did I not? It is not going to break my bones. Why study? Why another degree? It is not about that. It is about growing as a person, becoming a little more whole, taking another step. And I just love studying. The world has new stuff in it to learn about. It has interesting people I have not yet met. I bet they are in that place too. The Estonian Academy of Arts, my real and original home University. I can´t wait being back. I can´t wait to renew my artistic affair with it.


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