Käisin vestlusel ehk 21 head soovitust. 21 rules.

Kunstiakadeemia õpetajaõppe omal.
I went to an interview for the Teachers Master course in the Estonian Academy of Arts.
Aga ma ei räägi vestlusest.
But that is not the subject of this post, directly.
Postitan siia midagi huvitavat, mille leidsin Suur-Kloostri maja kolmanda korruse infotahvlilt ukse tagant, kus vestlused toimusid.
I just want to post something interesting I found on a board inside the house where the interview took place.
Kriblasin need kähku üles, õnneks olid märkmepaber ja pastakas kaasas.
I quickly took a chance to write it down, this time, luckily, I had some note paper and a pen with me. I OCCASIONALLY forget them. Rarely....
Õpetajaõpe on samas majas ja samades ruumides kui Rahvakunts ja Kultuuriantropoloogia, nii et sealne elu peaks olema vaimne, huvitav ja maailmapilti avardav.
The teachers´ courses are held in the same building as cultural anthropology and folk art, so the athmosphere should be intellectual, fascinating and mind-broadening.
Seda võib näha ka
That can also be seen from
"Tavasuhtluse 21 kuldreeglist".
"21 rules of everyday communication".

1. Kuula teine inimene lõpuni. Hear the other person out.
2. Austa enda ja teiste aega. Respect the time of others as well as your own.
3. Hoidu tegemast teise inimese kohta põhjalikke järeldusi. See reegel meeldib mulle, aga Edgar Savisaare puhul ta ikkagi ei kehti. Avoid making ultimate decisions about others. Well, I like this rule, but it still doesn´t apply to some people...
4. Õpi naeratama. Learn how to smile.
5. Ära teeskle huvi teise inimese vastu. Hmm, pigem on mul vastupidine probleem - mõni inimene ei saagi lõpuni aru, miks ta minu jaoks huvitav on. Aga nii lihtsalt on - inimestes on aspekte, millest nad ise ei ole teadlikud, ja see teeb vahel ka muidu tavalise inimese mõne koha pealt "uurimistväärt isendiks". Do not fake an interest towards somebody. I think I have an opposite habbit of being interested in people for the strangest reasons they often can´t figure out till the very end. People have aspects they aren´t aware of and that makes them "study-worthy specimen".
6. Valeta vähem (see on huvitav. Selleks peaks esmalt tunnistama, et me KÕIK valetame....see olekski esimene vale vähem?). Lie less. This one´s interesting. That would first imply we all lie as a rule. Now, admitting to lieing would be one lie less already, wouldn´t it?
7. Ära kritiseeri teise inimese isiksust, vaid teguviisi. Do not criticize another persons´ character but their actions.
8. Kiida kõigi ees, laida nelja silma all. Praise in front of everybody, belittle under four eyes.
9. Kui on karistatud, on ka andestatud. [Pisut veider, onju. Karistatud? Et kui teine saab karistada, siis ma peaks väga rahul olema? Ma võin ka ilma andestada.] Punished means forgiven. [This is a little outside the general philosophy of these rules. Should I feel satisfied and ready to forgive only after someone has been punished? I don´t feel the need for someone to be punished every time.]
10. Õpi andeks paluma (see on raske olnud, aga ma õpin nii seda kui üldse oma emotsioone väljendama. Tahaks natuke avatumaks muutuda.)
Learn to apologize. This one´s been difficult, even tormenting, but I am slowly learning it and just letting my emotions out in general.
11. Ära tegutse esmavihas. Do not take rash actions in initial rage.
12. Austa teise inimese personaalset füüsilist ja vaimset ruumi. Respect the physical and mental private space of another person.
13. Austa ennast, siis austatakse sind. (kardan, et selle vastu eksin ma tihti.... mul on ikka suht suur alaväärsuskompleks. see on teine vale vähem, sest harilikult ma varjan seda fakti). Respect yourself and you´ll be respected. (I am afraid I fail a lot of times, cause I have a rather hug´-ish inferiority complex ...that´s one less lie already, cause I usually hide this fact.)
14. Püüa teises inimeses leida ühendavat, mitte erinevat. Try and find the unifying, not the separating aspects in another individual.
15. Ära ole üliinimene (see on nagunii võimatu, aga vahel tekib tahtmine üritada küll) Do not be a superhuman. As it is impossible anyway? I am tempted to try though every once in a while.
16. Hoia sõpru ja austa vaenlasi. Viimasel ajal olen hakanud heast vaenlasest vägagi lugu pidama... Charish your friends and respect your enemies. Recently I have started to think very high of a GOOD enema.
17. Räägi emakeeles ja väljendu arusaadavalt. Kui nimekiri oli sisse toksitud, parandasin kõik lause algused suurtähtedeks... Speak in your mothertongue and express yourself comprehensibly. After I had typed in the whole list, I corrected all the small letters at the beginning of sentences into capital letters.
18. Oska vaikida. Know when to shut up.
19. Karda poolikuid lahendusi, mitte konflikte. Be afraid of loose ends, not conflicts.
20. Oska alluda ja juhtida. Know how to lead and how to be a subordinate.
21. Päevas täita kümme rolli, harva mängida võid lolli. You have ten roles every day, no time to fool around.


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