Muuseumipäevik: Muuseum elavale klassikule. Museum Diary: a museum for a living artist

Muuseume pühendatakse küll rinnahoidjatele, puujalaga koertele ja musklitele ning aastale 1957. Loomulikult eksisteerib sadu surnud kunstnikele pühendatud muuseume. Harva aga leiab muuseume elavatele inimestele. Kõige vähem kunstnikele.
Museums. Some of them are dedicated to dogs with wooden legs and bras and manly muscles and the year 1957. Of course, there are hundreds of museums dedicated to dead artists. Only a number of museums in the world however are dedicated to the living ones and usually by themselves...
Evald Okase muuseumi Haapsalus aadressiga Karja tänav 24 lõid tema pühendunud tütred. See on majake, kus allkorrusel on 6 ruumiga galerii vahelduvate näituste tarbeks ning ülal Evald Okase joonistused ja maalid. All müüakse ka postkaarte ja seal on suvise leitsaku aal mõnusalt jahe ja varjuline, eriti, kui sisehoovi käiv uks lahti seisab. Tuul puhub otse läbi maja.
The Evald Okas Museum in Haapsalu was established by his diligent daughters. It is located on the address Karja str. 24. On the ground floor you´ll find an exhibition gallery for various shows and events, Evald Okas´s drawings and paintings are upstairs. There is a little souvenir stand and the midsummer breeze blows through the house thanks to a white back door facing the garden.
I was well on my way back home by half past 6 pm because there is a lot of difference whether you head out at 19 or at 10 to 9 when the first bus is an express and the other just a "fast line". Besides, me and mom had already spent a good 3 and a half hours strolling the streets and the seaside and also I was too humiliated already to face the shame of a failed attempt at baking....
Näituse "Nimed ja näod" avamine läks kiiresti ja ka mina lasin jalga nobedamalt kui oleks ehk isegi viisakas, ent on suur vahe, kas sa asud koduteele kella 19.00-se või 20.50.- se bussiga millest esimene lisaks ekspressija ja tagumine ainult kiirekene.
The opening of the exhibition called "names and faces" where I wasn´t quite truthfully presented after all [unless you count the portraits inside our Face of Estonia quilt that I sew], was opened in a blink of an eye. The artists were all lined up and introduced to each other and the audience and thanks given to the hard working curator, I guess the heat was killing everyone too much to stretch it unecessarily.
Ausalt öeldes, bussis vaevas mu pead delikaatne küsimus, kas Evald Okas on nüüd ikka elus või surnud juba. Ta ju nii vana mees, nägin küll teist üitspäe telekas seletamas midagi naiste ripsmete ja reie jämeduse seostest, ent kes teab mis vahepeal kõik juhtuda võib. Ma vist proua Rosenblomi käest küll sooja pesu ei saaks, mis puudutab nekroloogilisi teadmisi. Evald peaks kirjade järgi siiski veel iga päev meie keskel kõndima, mitte koos valge daamiga lossiaknal uluma. Seda parem. Elava pretsedendina annab ta ka õigustuse kõikidele eesti kunstnikele, kaasa arvatud siinkõneleja, kes peale surma kabelitondi küünemustagi väärt ei ole (need sõnad ei käi Okase enda kohta) luua iseendale pühendatud muuseum ja mahutada sinna kogu omanikutuna koju vedelema jäänud loominguline jääk.
To be quite honest with you, in the bus on the way to Haapsalu I spent quite a lot of time cracking my brains whether Evald Okas himself was alive or dead. He is very old after all. I saw him on tele a couple of weeks ago but who knows what might have happened in between. I am not in the group of children worthy of receiving long winter underwear from Mrs. Rosenblom. I was convinced by people who knew better that Evald is very much alive, not haunting on the castle window together with some white lady. As a living precedent he justifies all artists, yours truly included, that are not worth your socks AFTER they are dead [the words don´t apply about mr. Okas] to establish a museumfor oneself and stuck it with all the creative rubbish they haven´t found an owner to.
Haapsalu meenutab mulle Henningsværi, kuigi galeriid on siin pisut igavamad ja vähem omanäolised. Aga kõikidesse ma ju sisse ei pääsenud. Epp Maria Kokamäe galerii seinad olid küll kenad. Seal valitses õdus harmooniline õhkkond. Tegelikult, kas on vahet kunstniku peetaval galeriil ja isiklikul muuseumil, sisuliselt ju püüab loomeinimene mõlemal viisil kuidagi tähelepanu võita ja oma loomingu mingile teisele tasandile asetada võrreldes nendega, kes seisavad samas reas hobinikerdajatega kusagil tänaval ja püüavad kiirkunstitoodangut pennitule kodumaa pühapäevarändurile ahvatlevaks muuta. Aga paraku pakub mõnele hullule tekstiilikunstnikule hoopis rohkem huvi leti katmiseks lohakalt üle nurga laotatud peen ja õrn heegellina kui ....kurat teab, mis sal peal üldse oli.
Haapsalu reminds me of Henningsvær, although the galleries here are a bit more boring and run down. But I did not get inside to all of them. The gallery of Epp Maria Kokamägi, another painter, was all cutesy as far as interior decoration goes. There was an athmosphere of harmony and cozyness. There is not much of a difference is there- whether it is a "museum" or a gallery. The creative individual tries to get some attention somehow and lift oneself a step higher from street ground, above from the level of those artists who spend their days behinda souvenir counter selling artistic fast food and kitch that brings money in the pocket but should be forbidden to spend time on if they ever wanna be taken seriously. I on the other hand am madly drooling over what those tasteless trinkets are placed on - a shimmering white gorgeous lace tablecloth.
Noh, see on väheke ülbe minust, öelda, et ärge asetage end samasse ritta nendega, kellest te tõsimeeli teate parem olevat. Ent see on karm tõde. Kes koera saba kergitab kui koer ise ja kui iseenda väärtust ei tea, siis määrab keegi teine hinna. Siis kui sind [enam] juures ei ole. Ma ei ütle, et igalühel peaks olema isiklik galerii või muuseum.
Isiklikult annan heameelega asju lihtsalt Lühikesse Jalga müüki ja ausalt öeldes RAH võtan vähem kui nendega tööd ja tüli on. Arvestades et LJ lisab hinnale umbes 40% teenivad nad mu asjadelt üsna kenasti. Aga Ma tahan et see koht säiliks, et seal nurgal kutsuks külalist ja omainimest üks galerii, kus ei laiuta merevaik ja läti linane. Niimoodi müümine toob ehk vähem sisse kui päris oma galerii, aga tõstab mu väärtust inimesena (vaata ma olen siuke ülbik, ma tahan ISE kõigist parem inimene olla. Kuradi ekshibitsionist onju).
Samas on selline koht (mõtlen oma isiklik galerii) ka raam kunstniku tegevusele, mingi tähis ja tundemärk, et teda suurest massist leida, meelde jätta. Karja 24, Haapsalu. Selle aadressi panin igatahes kõrva taha.
It is a bit too self-conscious from me to say this, but take my example and don´t put yourself in the same row with people you know you are miles better of. That´s a fact, who else is gonna claim your spot other than yourself. If you are insecure and can´t say yourself what you are worth, someone else will put a price tag on you when you are not there. I am not saying every artist should have their own personal museum or even a sales gallery. I for example am gladly supporting The Lühike Jalg Gallery in Tallinn that belongs to the textile artists ´union so that there was at least one place in the Old Town that doesnt belong to russians and sell latvian dolls and lithuanian linen and amber and whatnot. I could put a fire on all the rest as long as my favorite galleries stay, so I charge a little less for some things. I feel it may not earn me the dingaling, but I earn more worth as a human being....
On the other hand, a personal gallery is a frame to an artists´ work, a place to find them among all the masses and write the address down. Karja 24, Haapsalu. I shall remember THAT address.


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