Rowan bread. pihlakaleib.
Nämma!!! - Yum! Väikse tüki proovisin see on tõesti hea kooslus.
ei kirjelda tegu, tegin seekord nö ühekordsetes vormides, mida poolmulgina muidugi kavatsen vähemalt 7 korda kasutada :-)))))
I wont give a description of the making this time, I just did it. I used so called throw-away casts, but I am going to use them at least 7 times of course, LOL.
ei kirjelda tegu, tegin seekord nö ühekordsetes vormides, mida poolmulgina muidugi kavatsen vähemalt 7 korda kasutada :-)))))
I wont give a description of the making this time, I just did it. I used so called throw-away casts, but I am going to use them at least 7 times of course, LOL.
Retsept /Recipe:
u. 900 g täistera Öko rukkijahu / 900 grams whole grain rye flour
u. 600 ml kuuma vett / 600 milliliters hot water
2,5 spl kadakamarjamett / 2 table spoons honey with juniper berries
1 spl linnasesiirupit / 1 table spoon dark malt syrup
1 tass nisukliisid (Öko) / a cup of wheat bran(fine, light ones)
2 spl linaseemneid / 2 table spoons of flax seeds
1 tl meresoola / 1 tea spoon sea salt
kaks peotäit kuivatatud pihlakamarju / two handfuls of dried rowan berries
2 spl toiduõli / 2 table spoons sunflower oil (at the very end !!!)
kalja /root beer.
Lasin seekord kaua ja aeglaselt hapneda, kloppisin vähem. Jahu puistasin vette kolmapäeva õhtul, neljapäeva hommikul lisasin teisest poolest poole. Reede õhtul kastsin taigna, lisasin maitseained ja lisandid ja lasin 3 ja pool tundi kerkida. Siis sõtkusin veel läbi, lisasin õli, panin vormidesse kerkima, silusin, puistasin jahu (ohtralt) ja tegin kerkimisaugud sisse. Kerkisid hommikuni, tegin veel auke ja panin ahju. Küpsesid 2 tundi. Määrisin kaljaga 3 korda. poole pealt panin teise panni kaitseks alla, hiljem fooliumi kooriku kaitseks leibade kohale ka. välja võttes niisutasin märja käega koorikut ja mässisin küpsetuspaberisse ning rätikusse.
1 tl meresoola / 1 tea spoon sea salt
kaks peotäit kuivatatud pihlakamarju / two handfuls of dried rowan berries
2 spl toiduõli / 2 table spoons sunflower oil (at the very end !!!)
kalja /root beer.
Lasin seekord kaua ja aeglaselt hapneda, kloppisin vähem. Jahu puistasin vette kolmapäeva õhtul, neljapäeva hommikul lisasin teisest poolest poole. Reede õhtul kastsin taigna, lisasin maitseained ja lisandid ja lasin 3 ja pool tundi kerkida. Siis sõtkusin veel läbi, lisasin õli, panin vormidesse kerkima, silusin, puistasin jahu (ohtralt) ja tegin kerkimisaugud sisse. Kerkisid hommikuni, tegin veel auke ja panin ahju. Küpsesid 2 tundi. Määrisin kaljaga 3 korda. poole pealt panin teise panni kaitseks alla, hiljem fooliumi kooriku kaitseks leibade kohale ka. välja võttes niisutasin märja käega koorikut ja mässisin küpsetuspaberisse ning rätikusse.
let it go sour slowly and for long. I started on wednesday evening , mixing flour into hot water. Then I mixed a little and left it there for the next day and night. on thursday I added half of the remaining flour and gave the dough a good beating. I kept a paper on the bowl this time to prevent it from dirtying the towel also laid on top. I kept warmers on the sides of the bowl, more against any wind than to keep it warm. On friday night I added the spices, mixed the dough and spread a thick layer of flour on it. I let it rise in the bowl under the towel (just towel) for 3 and a half hours. Then I tread the dough for another time,devided into molds and let rise for the entire night. I had no intention getting up at 3 am or anything. In the morning I baked the bread for 2 hours, I brushed it with very dark root beer so it got a great tan. Half way through the baking I put another plate under the molds to keep the breads from burning and near the end I put aluminum foil above them to protect the crust. And of course there was a bowl of water at the bottom. I took them out and out of the mold about 35 minutes into cooling, and moistured with a wet hand. Then I left the breads inside the grease-proof paper and a towel, both separately, and now it is ready for tasting. MMmm!!!! Rowans give a really good taste to it!!!