Põhjala jõulud : natuke pildimaterjali. Some photos of Christmas Land

Ehtne põhjala kelk
real nordic [dog]sleigh

Tänuväärne materjal, vanapaber
a thousand ways of using waste paper

Kahe eri värvi silmaga husky
That husky had one blue and one brown eye

Tokk tokk toksib vilti
Needle felting in the yurta

Ring around fire

A traditional estonian christmas decoration

Tee teeküünla topsist teele kaasa helkurhelves
Make a snow flake out of old tea candle cases

Kräss ja punakuub

Ajalehepaberist pärlid elastse paela peal
these beads made of old newspapers have been compiled on a rubber thread so that you can use the ornament as a necklace, a bracelet as well as a headband!

an elaborative spiral ornament
Värvilehed (Kopli Ametikool tegi ja mina tegin ka hirmsa hulga, tulge tshekkama, neid on igasugu õpsid ja popsid jõledalt kiitnud.)
Coloring pages, I made a huge amount of them, but this school that takes part made even better ones.

Ametikoolis on kiletamismasin ja nad on traditsioonilised heegelhelbed pannud kilesse, mõtle, kui praktiline, onju?
The traditional crochet ornaments in plastic cover - they will stay bright white !

an indian talisman

a shaman mask

Pistis punuma

Rullib paberpärlit
Making paper beads

Vertical looms

Tööskeemid. Töötab väga hästi.
working sheets!!!!

Nelja tuule mütsiga poiss koob kangast
a guy in a four winds hat weaving on nordic looms

Suur Päälik Roheline Mätas
The Great Chief Greenhill

Türküms küzüm mizkümz mezüm teemz?
Hot shots from the south regions. The were really fascinated and impressed by the whole event.

Heas seltskonnas
In Good Company

Mitte enam rämps-, vaid ressurss-post!
No more junky, make it funky!

Kingikotike (Teeme Teist Moodi idee, külasta töötuba Tulika 19)
A gift Bag

Art from the Hearth.


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